Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

Actually, you can’t. Jag Gr1 starts with no secondary wepaons at all, none. No AAM and No bombs. You also have no CMs. You are sub-sonic with no upgrades and have to gun fight at 10.0. In a bomber

I tend to think that the planes should be logical and similar to real ones, the rest is corrected by the correct BR.

Su-39 without a thermal imager / other radar and R-27 - not Su-39.
It literally doesn’t make sense.

This is an insult to the history of the aircraft and a good design idea that was ahead of its time in many ways.
The Su-39 fell victim to the collapse of the USSR and was not fully completed. WT exists so that I can play a technique that no longer exists or was experimental.

However, even here I see a cheap copy of the Su-25t

Damn, didn’t grind the Jaguar but after knowing that im definitly not going to try lmao. At least it was introduced before the 4th gen and radar misile spam

Swedes - tanks, helicopters (lol, they just got the mi-28a and t-80u 2 BR steps lower due to the lack of 1 projectile).

China - helicopters

Yeah, but its really really close to that area, I tried and failed to get anywhere with it, so stuck a £5 into the game and bought the first set of bombs, after that spading it in SB was much simpler. But even then, still a rough jet to use at 10.0. I spaded it fairly recently as well, as I had skipped it and just spaded the Gr1a previously

So swedes got Soviet tanks and helis and therefore are now also meta?

Well, firstly, they received Soviet things on preferential terms.

The Mi-28A is 10.3 much better than the Mi-35.

Swedish t-80u for 0.3 BR gets a ton of advantages (more than half a dozen) over t-80b

The USSR has T-80U at 11.3 (the difference is insignificant in 1 shell)

In addition, the Swedes have leopards that are simply better than German ones. I hate them because they are an extremely toxic tank with a minimum of vulnerable zones (I’m talking about strv 122)

The same can be said about the Tornado. No GMR, No TFR, No JP233, Heck, not even a decent guidance system for lofting bombs (bug report added for that like a month ago). CM count stupidly low, no ECM.

All im saying is, the Su-39 isn’t unique, it can take and likely will take months for any changes to even be considered. Gr1 only just got PGMs and they are still a bit buggy. It can take up to a year maybe longer for a jet to be “finished” and even then, it wont be 100% accurate.

I think i know what’s going to happen, they said the the su-39 got a radar the 25t didn’t receive because the 25t will not be the last SU25 in game. So i think they will introduce the best su25, the su-25TM in some time, give it A2A missile (R-77 will maybe be already in game), and the thermal pod to both the SU25TM and the SU39. They cant give the 39 alone A2A missile because they cant make a premium plane a better versions than a TT one.

su-39 costs real money.

They need to understand that they are selling it. Items for real money should be beautiful, unique and provide an interesting experience.

If the Su-39 were in full force now, and the Su-25TM appeared in the tree in six months, then this would be a temporary exclusive.
As a result, instead we get a scrap of the Su-39 as an analogue of the Su-25t.

Look at the premium tank idea.

  1. unique
  2. has a history
  3. unique appearance
  4. features that make it different from other T-80s

This is what is called a good premium tank. Not a hairy leopard for 60 bucks

And I think the Su-25SM3 will appear immediately. As a result, the SU-39 will remain unfinished.

They are likely going to add to the 39 A2A missile if the SM3 is added.

And what will you do? Coming to each other’s threads and writing “oh btw I’m suffering too, so shove your desires in your ass” or maybe we’ll say “yeah lol why don’t we have key aircraft systems if it doesn’t break the balance”.

I understand why there is no brimstone, long bow or hermes (20 km Vikhrs with IR guidance) in the game, but the radar for ground targets for some aircraft is balanced.

Very possibly. We are nearing the point where we are running out jets, at least to a certain degree. So milking every last variant of a jet will be key. So making them somewhat unique is key. But I think the issue is more to do with the poor game design I.E ARB is not meant for attackers and GRB just sucks. rather than anything else

I will still protest if the first thermal imager for an aircraft in the USSR and a millimetric radar do not appear in the game.

We have a bunch of experimental equipment like AGS, HSTL, heaps of Soviet “objects” and the like. So why should it be missing

ARB EC is needed more than ever, it’s legit SIM with a 3rd person camera, i dont know why we dont have it yet…

The plane is still full. There are literally no new tanks.

The USSR still has 2-3 cooler tanks left and that’s it. The rest is no better than the current ones. Others are doing the same.

But its not though. It use to be, but not anymore, and it is a shame. Lighting F52 is literally a copy/paste Lighting F6 with rocket pods and in the same update that was released, they broke Red-tops to the point that you couldn’t hit anything with them. Su-39 will make lots of money, because tankers can just skip the air grind and get Su-25T , the best CAS jet in the soviet tree, instantly, without any grinding, and with all the benefits that come from a premium.

Maybe i said it badly, but i mean that they will implement the Khod (they created a 3d model, so its almost sure) along with A2A missile for the su39 when they will introduce the first SU25 capable of bringing A2A in the tech tree (Could be the TM, or maybe they will skip and directly go for the SM3)