Su-39, "Khod/Kinzhal" Thermal Imaging/Radar Container

No, because X-25s have low accuracy and if you fire them horizontally, they often miss their target. Also, with horizontal flight, you will not have time to find the target, because there is no thermal imager



Okay, I’m just waiting for my MiG-29SMT at 12.0 with 4 X-29T
And Su-27 at 12.0

I hope that the A-10S will hit 11.3 without a thermal imager, and will receive it “maybe” in a year (as you said about the Su-39 thermal imager). And this year I will kill players on A-10S with R-27ER and say that an attack aircraft should not have a chance against a fighter

The discussion is going around in circles… I agree that the su-25t/39 should get the thermal pod because all 11.3 planes have one, but it’s no use repeating the same thing over and over. Unfortunately Gaijin will implement it when they want. Personally I grindedfor the su-25T, but I can understand that for something so simple, especially on a premium at 70 euros, it’s annoying

This video does not mean that the R-60 is better.

All missiles are deflected easily, only the Aim-9L has a wider launch sector and a longer capture range

Russians just dont have any patients. They expect every addition to be OP day one, there was calls to get give it R-73s and R-77 because it couldnt easily 1v1 in ARB. They just have to get in line and wait and stop moaning all the time. Britain is waiting on a decent top tier jet for years

Okay, im just waiting on my EF Typhoon with 4x ASRAAM, 6x AMRAAM and 12x Brimstone

There is a difference between a stupid call to issue the R-77 and an adequate proposal to issue the R-27R and possibly revise the aircraft’s BR.

If the British players are willing to wait for a plane for 2 years, this does not mean that I have to.
All people determine what they want. If you want to be silent and endure - okay.

Of course not. First, for a year I will destroy everything for a moment-29SMT, as the F-14 is doing now, and then we will continue the dialogue.

Im very much not silent, but its clear as day that screaming on here for things like this to be added is going to change anything. Even tech mods with direct lines badgering the devs about things like the wrong radar on the Sea Harrier have done nothing in 7 months. You on here making outrageous comparissons is going to do absolutely nothing

To be fair, gaijin was stupid implementing a su-39, because in real life it is completely different than the su-25t. If the tech tree one was a su-25TM, trust me we would already have R27 on it. They cant give it the r27 A2A missile because the su-25t never had them, so only the premium one would have them which is outrageous. They are stuck because the cant add a new su-25 this early. The only solutionwould be to rename the tech tree one SU-25TM and give it A2A weaponry.

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To begin with, I am making sure that absolutely everyone knows that the Su-39 is not like what it was.

I read dozens of comments that this is just an attack aircraft. People were talking nonsense, as you are talking about 2005 release.

No one except me found information about the Kinzhal millimetric radar, which would be much better suited for the Su-39 to attack ground targets. So don’t think it’s empty.

Completely true.

Su-25TM, like Su-39 Must have R-27R + thermal imager and millimeter radar.
This is the difference between the Su-25T and Su-25TM

Yep, but gaijin doesnt really think that far ahead, was stupid adding the Tornado Gr1 with only 28 flares at the same time as the Mig-29 and F-16 but that happened.

Targetting pod is probably coming, but like a lot of things in this game, probably isnt coming for 6-12 months. Look at the Tornado F3 and its radar, its had 3 different radars in the past 4 months and its still not really “competitive” at top tier. Its barely 11.3. It likely wont be until AMRAAM which may or may not be coming in September major update, and even then, no gurantee they will be added ot the F3. So that means it could be 6 months minimum before the F3 is actually any good.

But im not on here, making a claim like ,Tornado F3 can’t fight Mig-29s therefore it needs to go down to 10.7 until AMRAAM, because that is stupid and accomplishes nothing.

So submit a bug report.

It is an attack aircraft, and so I got a date wrong, big whoop. Still doesnt really change any of the facts.

Sadly it was again a question of money. There was no export variant of the su-25T and the TM was maybe to advanced for gaijin in terms of A2A capabilities. But the premium one being absolutely not what is is in real life, im sure it’s the first times something like that happens. It is a complete joke knowing it cost 70 euros

I did it. Answer: “oh, please provide absolutely all the characteristics of the system” (despite the fact that I provided a target detection range table).

In order for the report to be accepted, you must have complete information about the system. from viewing angles to weight. I can’t get this information because I am not an expert in the field and have no connections with those who could provide it to me (for example, a developer company).

while the developers of the game could easily get it with 1 official letter, because this is not a military secret.

No, this is an aircraft for a wide range of tasks. Su-25T was a strike aircraft.
The Su-39 received a radar that made it universal.

Would like to point out at this point in time the F4J(UK) should have 9Ls and never carried 9Gs.

Sea-Vixen and Lighting F52 are both nearly unplayable as red tops are boardering un-usable at the moment and are in-need of a major overhaul. No even slightly accurate in their modeling

SRAAMs on the Gr1 arent even remotely accurate, though that update is actually apparently finally on its way.

Challenger DS is actually a Challenger Mk3 and should have L26 not L23A1 shells.

There are lot of in-accuracies accross many vehicles, and just because its premium, doesnt make it immune, ALL new jets have issues and missing features. And expecting/demanding them to perfect immediately is never going to happen. Su-39 has GMR, a feature the Torando IDS had, but its still not been added to them, despite it now being a feature modeled on the Su-39, should just be Copy/paste

They can leave the Su-25T and Su-25TM as two separate machines. True, the Su-25T should be 10.7-11.0 in the current balance, and the Su-25TM 11.3-11.7

But now it’s just ridiculous to me that they gave the radar station and did not give a single missile to it. They did not give a prototype of a thermal imager and a millimeter wave radar that would see stationary ground targets. Moreover, this is a unique case when these systems were actually tested and could be added to the game.
But no, the USSR does not deserve a thermal imager on 11.3 aircraft, while the USA has it on 10.0

This is a moving target radar. Almost useless.

The Su-39 had a special radar that saw stationary tanks. That would be a decent thing.