i already said as a conclusion that the su30sm will be better in bvr and worse in dogfightning.
then you come to talk about performance and only focus on dogfightning performance trying to disregard missiles fully while missiles amount to most of kills in matches its what you kill with majority of the time but to you this doesnt matter
so go play the su33 at 14.0 then if its so good.
you dont need to be at the same altitudes as fast as eft or f15e because your missiles will easily make up for it and not only that but will be better
i wasnt talking about statistics i was talking about personal experience
however you were talking about statistics, you very much referred to them so show me the statistics or youre lying just to get the su30sm to be better
Totally and utterly USELES right -_- …I hope the flight model of the 30SM does not go into the ground but stays competitive…if you’re losesing to an F4 in close with the 30 right now… :/ that’s a YOU issue!
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i know theyre making up ridiculous claims. one of them lied to me said that he has statistics that showed a thing but it was all made up and he lied only to try and argue in favor of su30sm being buffed.
they say crazy things to make it get buffed.
But when they beat you to ideal BVR altitudes, you’d be forced on a defensive earlier than them, ergo they dictate the fight because they can just cruise along while you fight defensively. Also did you forget how the R-77 platforms drag actually makes it worst against a notching target?
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you’ve already fired your missiles from further range because your missile can easily compensate; theyre going defensive first
if you notch properly it will defeat any missile within reason in bvr so it doesnt matter
now you have a lot of those missiles while you only have to beat some of the other aircrafts missiles. you can keep spamming them keep the enemy defensive.
easy win and when you try to make up non sense gaijin has modelled these missiles themselves and they know what it is like. the plane is good right now and you just want to kill everything.
ridiculous claims, lies, non sense. if you were correct you wouldnt need to bring any of these to the forum.
You trust gaijin’s word right?
Even gaijin think it’s not any better than R-77s
ok if energy is the only thing that matters im sure the aim-54a is the best missile with this logic then because we ignore every other aspect of missile performance.
its called bias, you only take in something that makes you feel correct and ignore everything that points you to be incorrect. with your logic phoenix is best because missiles have no other aspects.
bring f-14 to top tier and we can have a bvr fight.
But aren’t you biased yourself? You just want the Eurofighter to be topdog, which btw can still do sustained 16g turns for some reason
So not only does it climb fast, it can dogfight good as well. But asking for Su-30SM to climb faster is biased? Jesus get a grip
i already said its worse in bvr and it should be. i also didnt argue for rafale to be better in bvr.
you ignore that however. youre here claiming that the su30sm needs to compete against rafale in dogfightning while it was also said that the su30sm will make the rafale suffer in bvr
sure very useful with my amraams considering a 3v3 and having to fire against 3 targets my missiles will be enough only for couple times to get notches while the su30sm can keep closing in firing those missiles as it wont run out of them
either you run out of missiles or you dont fire any and you die. people can always notch until they cant - you cant force this situation in real match with small amount of missiles in eurofighter against su30sm that can force you to be defensive and pick you off in the end
gaijin agrees and youre still complaining. go play eurofighter if you dont like it.
it is a fact and no one is preventing you from doing it. or dont play.
if you complain for hours you gain nothing, learn to accept things in life, you dont get an op fighter jet. you get a balanced one. just like everyone else has right now.
oh how horrible!
not a bug. this is an intended game feature
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When did I say that? The only time I mentioned Rafale was MICA being carried by it and how 30SM gets beaten by an F-18
If you’re misunderstanding what I said earlier, then let me clarify. Only darby and darter suffers. The mica doesn’t because it’s still being carried by the best fighter in game (or 2nd best)
not a bug is trickzzter moment xD
rafale is best for dogfightning, worst for bvr at 14.0
yes it suffers at bvr and excels at bfm.
and su30sm wont suffer it will excel at bvr instead of bfm
But like I keep saying, even 30SM sucks at BVR because it won’t be fast enough to commit to an engagement zone vs an F-15E or EFT
So how do you justify the EFT being good at BVR and dogfighting?
Okay suck is a strong word, it would be mid not suck
wont be after su30sm
f15e has better ground killing capability
su30sm wont be facing any issues. if you have problem about f15e being “worse” then youre agreeing that the f15e people are entitled to complain about the engines. su30sm not because you will be significantly better in such regard.
also what is questionable is your refusal to call out flat out lies that people are using to get the su30sm buffed. clearly you are biased and are accepting of lying to get buffs for the su30sm proving that youre okay with being wrong but still continuing to make claims.
practical for you would mean killing your opponent. ofcourse you dont get to kill everyone in dogfights if you already win in bvr.
that would be op.
Why would it? It still has a better turn radius, and TVC bleeds too much speed to be practical on most scenarios
RU mains when they can’t hold S with 180° AoA AND maintain speed to rate around the circle:
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react to Nike Ajax comment: , like i said the su30sm will be better in bvr. you just want it to be better in dogfights too so you can be op and kill everyone and everything."
It not will be better.
For BVR you need speed to launch at faster speed the R-77-1 (which is not have range like the Aim120).
higher speed, higher energy for your launched missile=higher chance to hit the target because the missile going faster.
Higher acceleration->higher speed to reach the top speed (higher energy for your missile, higher chance to hit the target)
Higher acceleration->higher chance to defend the missile which is coming to you, when you trying to defend the upcoming missile and you turning on 180-360 degress.
The Su 30 Sm have the worst acceleration, worst turning perfomance, top speed (Su 30 beating only the F18/C in top speed) in 14.0 br, (ingame)
(I explained why acceleration and top speed turning performance are important for the missile to hit the target in bvr and that why top speed and acceleration count for survivability in bvr)
the aim120 have better range than the R-77-1->so you can’t say it has the best missile loadout for bvr.
With Su 27 Sm perfomance it will be not the best in bvr, because the Su 27 Sm dont have the best acceleration, top speed, turning rate (its between mid and good) , if you check the In-game calculator (graphs)
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notice the reply in above comment. you only are interested in flooding. still thinking you should practically kill things in both bfm and bvr especially while being able to make things like rafale suffer in bvr
su27sm has significantly worse missile loadout thats why its not best. common sense? su30sm is obviously better in such regard.
ok and phoenix has better range than aim120 so the phoenix is best bvr missile
like i said youre ignoring everything but range and with that logic a missile that is legitimately better will appear worse.
range wont be sole defining factor in what is the best missile otherwise phoenix would beat everything.
considering that your argument’s logic would lead to the idea of phoenix being best bvr missile while it isn’t, the logic in this argument is invalid and i will ignore it as such.
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