Su30sm2 makes no sense yet.
I’m for mish-mash. For a better engine, we can keep the Bars and lose the double racks (or retain them but limit them to double racks, under the engine, and inner wing pylon for a total of 8 missiles).
While it is true that Germany has gotten around the same amount of vehicle like the other two of the big three (USA, USSR, GER), it is also true that the German Air-Tech-Tree was always lacking behind the American and the Russian one.
That only changed last update with the Eurofighter.
So of course USSR can sit one update without a top-notch super shiny new aircraft. Germany has had that for years. Welcome to our world.
Not really true
“I had a bad experience so you should too”
I am sorry to tell you that Germany got its planes almost always later than other nations that got the same planes.
So yes, while they eventually got the corresponding aircraft, they certainly got it almost always at least 1 update later. All of which include the newest top tier jets.
I am not advocating that you should have a bad experience, I am simply saying that usually USSR and USA are the first nations to get new toys, while other tech-trees had to wait most of the time.
You will survive not getting the newest and shiniest of things for once.
make up your mind please
Pretty sure this hasn’t been the case since the patch that nerf the MiG-29s (after apex predators)
3 aircraft (of the non-domestically designed) were introduced the same time as their counterparts. A thing you would know if you read the linked thread. 3 out of 18. Thats a whopping 3 aircraft that were competitive at release. All other were not. Because they were released at least 1 update later, often even more.
So yes, it was always lacking behind, except for three times.
All have 30% fuel loadouts, so minimum fuel in-game
i mean, to be fair, the su27sm (current top tier plane of ussr/russia) was added almost 1 year ago…
Then should really be true
Since they all have different fuel consumption
u forgot about Su-33 and Su-34 in last two updates?
Neither of those are top tier
Su-34 is not top tier (13.3)? Su-33 not too (13.0)? top tier is not only 13.7-14.0
Top tier is… top tier which currently is 14.0
su33 and su34 arent top tier jets, top tier rn is 14.0
Isn’t that the definition of balanced? Everything is on par with everything else so it isn’t just a “I smashed him because I can do a 4857324G turn and he could barely pull 9G”?
Or is the SU-30 a higher BR?
The Su-30 is 3.7 brs higher than the F-4E
Ah, that would make sense then. Is it a fighter or a n interceptor? Just curious because it sounds like a interceptor.