It was shown on the DEV server, I can send it
Let’s leave politics out, okay?
it’s just that he has some other missiles but they’re going to add them, so they made the Kh38
Probably if it can be used on the Su-35S it can be used on the Su-30SM they should just remove them fix the model both visual and fm as well drag for this game
Can we expect this missile to be retrofitted to already existing planes?
no, because we’ve become spoiled and there aren’t any on the Su 34 and Su 27cm)
12 new ARH missles.
Against 6 old missles.
Where new aim-120? Where aim-120c5?
One more russian bias
What’s wrong, I want to ask? that you have the newest and fastest aim120b and we have p77 which fly at 15 km?
AIM-120 is still better at BVR btw
that’s what I’m talking about)
Isn’t the R-77-1 the best that russia has irl?
No photo su-30sm with 12 r-77. In most docs he can carry only 6 or with double 8 missles. gaijin double standart.
nope, that would be the R-77M and R-37/M.
Of which the further modernisation of this Su-30SM (SM2) can only carry two R-37M and the former R-77M is currently designed for the Su-57 (but one could assume it’ll eventually be made to be carried by other jets).
Giving that thing ESA radar is also obscenely bias lol Considering NATO countries developed it 1st 😂
Im sure it is but IRL they dont come close to NATO AAMRAAMs. But in Warthunder the propaganda shines through
It’s all sad
I mean you said it lol its not competitive its just straight bias cope