Su-30s to Great Britain?

What do we think about an Indian sub tree for Great Britain? I’ve seen talks going around about that being added and honestly, I’m not a big fan of that.

On one hand India has an awesome and diverse air force, Mirage 2000, MiG-29, Su-30, MiG-21, Rafale, Tejas etc… But on the other, do we really want all that on the GB tech tree? Wanna play with French top tier vehicles? Grind GB. Wanna play with Russian top tier vehicles? Grind GB.

What would be next, add an Ukrainian sub tree to Russia and give the Russian tech tree F-16 and Mirage 2000? Add an Algerian sub tree and give France Su-30, MiG-29, Su-24 so on?

If we’re moving towards this path of EXTREME variety in tech trees, wouldn’t regional tech trees just be better? Such as a South American tech tree with, Su-30s, F-16s, Gripens, F-5s, A-4s, AMX, so on. It would both add multiple nations to the game and still go down the path of the extreme variety in one tech tree. Anyway, I really want to see more opinions on the matter.




There is no value. If you want those aircraft, play the soviet/French TT. If you want the Jaguar, Harrier, Tornado, Hawk, Typhoon, etc. play Britain.

South Africa has a few interesting options, but beyond that, the TT should consist of British stuff and export stuff

This is a core part of the tech tree system, if Britain is just getting every single aircraft, might as well just delete the current nation system

P.S. this is what the British TT could look like without India at all.

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In case you don’t know. The addition of those vehicles depends if the nation is in need of one, Britain holds the second to third best Jet fighter currently in-game not considering the DevServer;

The F/A-18 (and variations) in my opnion is not needed, since the F-15E still a very capable plane, I’d assume that its addition is just to fill a certain quota, since Gaijin is shooting the F/A-18 (and variations) everywhere.

proceeds to state Aircraft from france and USSR

Question if we add USSR aircraft to Britan and USA vehicles to the USSR what’s the point of nations ?



Did you not see I stated I’m not a fan of that? Morvran_ up here stated exactly what I think. Word for word, want British aircraft? Play Britain. Want Soviet/Russian aircraft? Play USSR. Want French aircraft? Play France.

And yes, it is diverse as it has all those nations’ aircraft in active service or retired. Having stuff from Su-30s to Rafales IS diverse lmao.

At best I’d argue for the MKK/MK2 for China but let Russia have something, MKI for UK is not needed at all.

Well, I dont want to play devils advocate, but… the point being every other aircraft? (and their combo considering the nature of GRB and, in perspective then we get newer stuff, Naval).

TT are not defined by their top/near top stuff after all. Soviet tree still got it Yak-3 and T-34 even without Su-30 and T-72.

As for the tread itself and the prospect of Su-30MKI? Maybe sometime later, but not now. Now Britain have their tops. But then the time comes to bolster numbers/increase diversity (which also would improve top compression a bit) - then we can start thinking of things like Su-30MKI and CF-188 (provided UK itself cant provide domestic alternative)

Honestly thats really debatable
But then, Japan shouldnt have F-16, F-15, JAS-39. That would make TT not really competitive
Same goes for basicly any nation, except of 2(with exceptions) if about jets

Ability to choose from different TTs into one vehicle pack might be best option. With devision by IRL politics.

Squadron venicle in next patches i think.
Like all Indian venicle.

If it comes to that I’d like regional trees OR a different tech tree system so we get more nations. Maybe an entire commonwealth tech tree under GB or something like that. Maybe separate countries under a major nation’s tech tree. There could be many solutions for that.

Im expecting the Sea Harrier FRS51 as the next SQV being an ideal option for a 13.0 ARH slinger. Either that or the Cheatah D from South Africa

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It honestly puzzles me a lot (with UK tree). It have all right to be “Commonwealth Tree” with UK acting as a basis and other vehicles being added by need or uniqueness. Instead we have UK tree, South Africa sub-tree, Indian stuff is premium and Canada with Australia being shared with US

It really is debatable, I don’t know how to explain this but Su-30, in Indian service for the GB tech tree seems way more off than a Gripen in Thai service for the Japanese tree, which has not THAT much going for it. And again, what’s next, F-16s and Mirage 2000s in Ukrainian service to USSR? MiG-29s and Su-30s in Algerian service to France?

Well, not much difference. Still plane that isnt connected to nation, which gets it.
And for amount of planes that can go for specific TT - britain also doesnr have a lot of options. Prob same as Japan - only one 4th gen domestic fighter.

Theres no such Sub-TT, maybe yet

I don’t care if we get Su-30 from India or not.
I rather want to see Sea Harrier FRS.51 instead.

But maybe Indian players might want to see them.

Because Su-30MKI isn’t Su-30SM, does not have an Indian flag, and is armed with a different missile, maybe?

I might not bother if Su-30MKI eventually comes to GB because the player base from India wants them badly. :|
Just let it happen not too soon. (Let soviet enjoys Su-30 first.)

At least not on this update.

I wish that worked the same for all nations, not only soviets

I dont want India as a British subtree nor do I want endless soviet C&P slop in the trees of other nations that don’t need to be carried by it

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Yeah, I hope so.
I was quite frustrated when the Soviets got their first Revenge class BB, which was built by GB.

If Gaijin really need to add Su-30MKI to GB
We all know we can’t stop it.
Then, just takes few months delay of it. :/

Su-30 isn’t Eurofighter or Tornado which Joint built by multiple nation. Right?

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Actually just researched this thing yesterday and had it as a test drive when it first released, worst battleship in the Soviet tech tree by far, I hope Britain gets theirs though.