Su-30s to Great Britain?

Major buffs this major update, its accuracy is finally being fixed along with all the others. Plus new shells should help too

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Yeah. there are so many actually unique vehicles + export vehicles that Soviet C&Ps arent needed anytime soon whilst still maintaining the sub-TTs.

Things like export variants of the Buc, Jags and SHars should take much higher priority. Let alone vehicles we dont even have yet like Gnats and Hawks.

After them, should be truly one off unique stuff like the Cheatah and Tejas

and in a decade or 2, when Britain has actually run out of native and export vehicles and SA and India have gotten decent representation with their own built stuff. Then the soviet and french C&Ps can come

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Nah how about buff FGR4 instead?
Even CF-18 is making more sense

You litterly aswered your self, Want ussr Aircraft(su-30) play USSR want french aircraft(rafale) play France, Game balance shouldn’t be made worse because of your poor dicision making skills wanting top tier french aircraft but playing Britan As before THINK MARK THINK


Yes. That is one of the reasons why I am not trying to say “We don’t need Indian vehicles at all”

As long as Indians are tied as a commonwealth and become sub-tree in WT eventually.

Maybe Indian players want to see their vehicles in TT too in the same level we want our Revenge class or ‘fixed’ Brimmy.

I remember I saw a few Indian players in the hype when the MiG-21 Bison was introduced.

But, At the same time, Su-30MKI isn’t urgent to the current GB TT as long as we have Typhoon now.

Totally. There are more urgent vehicles than soviet C&P in both of the SA/Indian subtrees.

Unique one needs to take priority.
Su-30MKI or Mirage can wait a bit more time.
Of course, No Arhangelsk case again.

Imagine If Italy gets Tornado ADV faster than we did.
Adding Su-30MKI in the same update as Su-30SM will feel the same way to the soviet mains. Right?

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They did have a lower BR for 2-3 months and we very nearly had a far far worse radar on the F3 because they wanted the F3 to be 100% identical to the ADV and Flame managed to find sources that confirmed italy did also upgrade their radars.

Oh… I didn’t mean that I needed a detailed imagination of that case… in that detail…

Thanks anyway. I think I am having virtual cancer now.

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Uuuhh yeah, exactly what I’m saying