Su-27 vs mig-29 convenience comparison for sim

For comfort air-to-air sim gameplay(not close gun combat, but missile fights and bomber hunting) which aircraft is better and easier to operate - su-27 or mig-29? I saw a lot of videos about air superiority of su-27 but no one talks about mig-29…Is it kinda bad for SIM or what?

I’m asking cuz it will be my first 8th rank jet, so I don’t want to waste time and farm garbade jet in sim :D

27 just have more missiles
but depends on comparsion. standart Su-27 is 13.3, MiG-29 9-13 is 12.7. like theres 2 steps of BR, which makes it in different brackets

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And if we’re talking about MiG-29SMT and Su-27SM? 13.3 vs 13.7 but if I’m correct - they have same bracket in SIM battles. Even if compare MiG-29SMT and Su-27 in nutshell - they have same br in SB, but which one is better?

MiG-29SMT has a better radar and more countermeasures, while the Su27SM has a lot more missiles. 6 vs 10.

You can play the su27 and just spam missiles. If you get within 10km you’re dead, but you might take an enemy down with you