SU-27 J-11 Nerf?

There are literal videos of them pulling more AoA than they can in game, their thrust seems to be lacking based on other documents. Doesn’t help either when the f16 it goes against outperforms it in every way

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videos are irrelevant when you can’t prove the loading the plane was under
the MiG-29 is performing accurately, sorry you fell for hype but it’s just not that good of an airframe

Its perform like shit even with 0 fuel. If you claim this in accurate, then every single other plane in game isn’t. There is no hype

it performs according to data from the manuals, if you think you can prove it wrong you’re free to submit a bug report, but you’ll be disappointed that it doesn’t perform to the fantasy in your head

Are you new here or are you straight up clowning

are you?
you are simply claiming the MiG-29 is nerfed because you feel like it and are unable to provide actual evidence
if you’re so sure it’s wrong you should be able to prove it in a bug report

Many have done and all of them got straight up ignored. It’s not the first time and not the only vehicle this happened to. Same shit is happening to the su27 now

the MiG-29 is performing accurately according to the charts

You get 10 of the best missiles in the entire game, and you’re complaining that when you run out (presumably got 3-4 kills if you’re decent) you can’t also dogfight as well as everyone else? Sounds like you need a bigger nerf bat.

what charts

Russian troll

Imagine claiming everyone, whos opinion is different then yours as a troll


“amerimutt” … troll.

Well, most of the americans are amerimutts, that’s a straight fact.

What does that even mean to you? Do I even want to know? Say it out loud.

I wouldn’t call Soviet flight manuals that but you do you lil guy

Show me, lol

I mean you can see it in the war thunder wiki itself even. At optimal speed (1200kph) each engine of the F-15A outputs about 14 tons of thrust. with a 10 Minute Fuel load and no missiles you look at a TWR of almost 2:1. Meanwhile when its stationary it outputs just over 8.5 tons… so ONE engine produces about 64% more thrust at the proper speed.

Lets compare the Flanker to that. I have the J-11 so i’m going to use that. So at optimum speed (1540kph) the Flanker outputs 15.6 tons of thrust per engine and at its min Fuel load which is 13 minutes (instead of the F-15 10 Minute fuel load) it has a TWR of 1.58. Again with no armament. Stationary thrust is 12 tons per engine. so the Flanker engines produce in comparison “just” 30% more power per engine at the optimum speed.

If gaijin was consistent with the power output and would make it equal for the flanker to have that brutal 64% higher power output per engine at the right speed, the Flanker would have close to 20 tons of thrust per engine.

Okay, to be fair it would be pretty insane but let me make a quick comparison with two other planes that actually were evenly matched until Gaijin handheld US-Planes again and neglected the russian equivalent. I mean the Mig-29 and the F-16 of course. For this comparison i’ll take the F-16ADF and the MiG-29 (9-12A). Also i’m not going to add the TWS for those two because comparing one engine to two is kinda stupid.

Anyway F-16 afterburning stationary 9 tons, at optimal speed (1400kph) 15.2 tons so 69% (nice!) increase in power
MiG-29 has 6.8 tons stationary, at optimal speed (1575kph) 12.4 tons which is a increase in power of 82%

So to conclude this the difference in power increase between F-16ADF and MiG-29 is 13%. Meanwhile the J-11 and the F15A have difference of 34%. Nobody can tell me that this is fair. I dont mind the Flanker having a lower power output per engine but 30%? really? 15% would be acceptable… And dont get me started on the flight models… at least that is my opinion.


different engines having different thrust curves is realistic and accurate, the Su-27 is an enormous and heavy plane and it has a worse TWR IRL for this reason