Sturmgeschütz IV

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In short: The Stug IV is an modified Stug III superstructure on the Pz IV hull.

The Stug IV was a decision in 1943 after heavy bombing raids to keep Stug production running after Stug III production was cut off.

The Stug IV which is cince long passed for concidderation and was even planned at the very beginning would be a nice alternative to the Stug III Ausf. G with rather similar capabilitys, but beeing a legend of its own and would further increase the choice of freedom of what to choose. As well as some new features on it, not yet ingame on the Stug III
While the Stug IV inherited an rather big weakpoint in game beein the 20mm frontplate angled at 73°, there are a lot of options including an 30-40mm plate on hinges scavanged from the side of Stug superstructures. in front of the drivers station as well as concrete and different tracks such as the standart, Ostketten and T 34 tracks to add protection and ballance out the weakpoint.
These could be implemented in form of a “light” and an “heavy” armor upgrade, adding only tracks and the other the 30-40mm plate as well as concrete and Ostketten or T-34 tracks.



Lots of concrete and Ostketten:


A 30-40mm Plate from the side of another Stug superstructure:


While armor the armor is in general identical to the Stug III, except the different drivers cap and a Pz IV hull.

Armour Front (Slope angle) Sides Rear Roof
Hull 80 mm (11-12°) Front plate
20 mm (73°) Front glacis
80 mm (13-14°) Lower glacis 30 + 5 (6°) mm 20 mm (4-15°) 16 mm
Superstructure 80 mm (11°)
80 mm (rounded) Saukopfblende Gun mantlet 30 (15-17°) + 5 mm 30mm 17mm
Cupola 50 mm 50 mm 50 mm 17 mm

Engine: HL 120 TRM 300Ps/3000rpm
Weight: 23t
Speed: 40-43 kmh
Armarment: 1x 7,5 cm StuK 40 L/48 (allready in game, perhaps one day with 792m/s)
There were Stug IVs equipped with an coax Mg 34 as well as Mg 34 in Rundumfeuer roof Mg.

Stug III & Stug IV: German Army Dennis Oliver
Panzer der Wehrmacht Band 1: 1933-1945
Panzer Tracts No. 20-1 T.L. Jentz and H.L. Doyle


Given that the StuG IV was on the initial German tank list when ground forces were first added, I feel like it ought to come! +1


Shoudve been in game 9 years ago, eitherways +1


If they add to the StuG IV _ even if it is premium I would buy it _ it is my favorite Tank Destroyer thanks to the Company of heroes


+1 as long as it is a late example with all these late war features:


For such a largely produced vehicle during WW2, I am surprised is it not yet present in-game! This should be a nice back-up for Stug III.


+1 it would be great !

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+1 … how is StuG IV not already in the main tech tree?


+1 Simply astonishing that this vehicle has been missing for so long.


this would make a great tank to add to the game ASAP


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Wow, in those real photos this Stug IV does not have the added armor in front of the commander’s cupola, it is clear that there would be differences in the models from different production months.

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Maybe it did at some point and they lost it. Notice where it was welded on:


still no Stug IV in the game

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A premium is actually a pretty good idea - Germany is somewhat lacking in the premium department at that BR.

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With about 1,100 produced, this should not be premium


We have waited years for this. We need it now.

They promised to add it in 2013 but never added it,

I really appreciate if its added to the game, it could get foldered into the Stug Line, so it wouldn’t affect those whom don’t really want it.