Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)

There is no reliable info about it, as it never had parts produced, only being a windtunnel model iirc. The model on the first image is the closest image that I know of that shows its possible weapons, the rest are some drawings/3D images

GlobalSecurity does say some stuff, but they have been a dubious source for a long time, only being viable if really needed, but even then, there is no image of a “prototype” being produced as they claim

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“Snowy Owl” (The Shenyang proposal for the Chinese 5th gen program, lost to Chengdu’s J-20)
album-cancelled-5th-gen-fighter-shenyang-j-21-snow-owl-v0-7qwtganqvpka1 (1)

oS9vmbC (1)

Controllable up to 50 degrees of AOA, J-20 most likely won due to having lower RCS. Though it does give some insight on the potential performance metrics of the J-20.



Its about time we got the B5’s no?

A real good early CAS option for Sweden.


MAST-F Missile, the French’s Hellfire Replacement


hehehe, around 9-10 years ago on old forum with group of other players we’ve made topic on suggetion for Stug IV implementaion… I’ve seen there is a new passed topic here:

…its nearly a decade so Im quite optimistic about it so yea… hoping for this one “soon” hehehehe

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Once again, i ask for Gaz-66 with ZU-23-2

And preferably, with a little man on the truckbed with MANPAD on shoulder, for extra anti air capabilities

Speaking of ZU-23-2 trucks

Finnish trucks armed with 23 ItK 95 “Sergei” modernized ZU-23-2 gun.

  • Laser rangefinder
  • Semi-Automatic target tracking
  • Digital system replacing older fire control system
  • Powered traverse and elevation
  • Thermals

ZIL with 23 ItK 95

And SISU SK 181 with 23 ItK 95



Fix Spike missiles.


Would be nice to get something around 5.x considering we have nothing for ground except a fictional BF109 because gaijin has never bothered trying once lol.

Gib me my napalm on my A21 fuel tanks so i can have an additional weapon for ground snail.

Also the G5’s would just be similar to the B17 in terms of CAS no? I figure the G5 would likely just be a slightly better performing B17 around the same BR.

B5 would be a bit better in therms of cas, extended big bomb carrying capability with the likes of 2 x 250kg bombs in one go rather than only carrying one like the B17’s, at least according to avrosys.
Also as the B5 has twice the mg’s, it would be better in air combat as well when you’ve dropped yer payload.

Whats this about a fictional Bf 109 tho? Im not familiar with Finland’s equipment so whatever is going on in that sub tree, i know nothing. Is the Erla a fake plane?

MW-50, an injection system on the BF 109 never were mounted to the Finnish Models. Yes it would be a nerf and a fairly decent one but again just like the majority of Finnish aircraft its a work of fiction.

Ajax receives thermal covering for main gun:


ZTZ-99A with gl-6 aps


Is Argentina’s Sherman Repotenciado, another DF105 situation?
An Argentine modification with French CN-104-57 gun and French Poyaud 520 V8 diesel engine.


Eh. If it cant come in an independent Argentine or LatAm tree, france needs it much more than germany does anyway. I think its 7.0?

Rare Israeli Sherman-Krupp M1903 mod.
Decommissioned M4 (105) were modified with 75mm Krupp M1903 field guns (somehow).


India has ordered 156 LCH-Prachand attack helicopters with Pakistan possibly producing the Z-10ME attack helicopter in response.

HAL Prachand attack helicopter of the Indian military.

Chinese Z-10ME export helicopters of which Pakistan may produce locally.


I’m assuming you mean M-51 in which, yes, this tank will be largely the same in terms of gameplay and firepower (unless Argentina used any APFSDS I am unaware of).

No, I meant the nation part, the decision which resulted DF105 getting shared with France in the latest update. Will it go to Germany coz its Argentinian or to France coz of the French gun and engine or to both?