Struggling With Ground Japan

You should too, maybe even twice and read it out loud even

worse than what?

what vehicles?

Every vehicle is worse than another vehicle, we gonna reduce everything?

Im not against br reduction but i certainly am when its for trivial reasons.

I have Japan, you have used japan, we make it work - simple.

As for performing best or worse with - i never instigated anything like that - infact it was you who tried to use my playercard as a weapon during the discussion.

So - what vehicles need br reduction because they are soo bad? or what br range?

Allow me to remind you of what you’ve said.

You did in fact instigate it. But either way that is besides the actual point of all my actual arguments.

Again, I’m using your own words saying that “japanese vehicles are worse”. It’s not up to me to determine which vehicles those are. I will, again, remind you of the words you’ve written out:

Which vehicles need to be lowered in BR or not is not up to me.

This latest comment is just an attempt to deviate from the discussion at hand. The whole point of this entire charade is that you’ve been saying that Japanese vehicles were bad in real life and therefore should be bad in-game. This is categorically insane. A vehicle that is bad should be lower in BR, to a BR where it is balanced. What you or I consider to be bad is an entirely different story.

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They are poor but I make them work.
Same as yourself.
The inadequacies of the vehicles can be negated by operating it well.
Your making me explain shit you already know.
I think the Jap tanks are not as good as other nations but I don’t think that warrants br reductions on that basis alone.

People want an easy ride everytime.
It’s all fine for YOU when your killing inferior vehicles.
But it’s not fine when it’s YOU in the inferior vehicle. There is a word for this type of thinking, I just can’t remember it.

I get killed by higher br vehicles, I kill higher br vehicles.
Don’t just consider only what is good for YOU at that time.

anyway i cant be bothered to continue this anymore.

Good luck with getting your vehicles reduced in br so it becomes easier to use them.

I’m off to go play the Boomerang aircraft at 3.0 which is inferior to what i come up against, i am sure i will be fine and if not - i will do better next time.

A vehicle only working when it is used by a good player does not mean the vehicle is balanced.

The YouTuber DEFYN obtained 52 kills with a single death over the course of 13 games with the Israeli Sakeen, then called S-199. Still, he considers the plane to “suck”, even though the statistics are great.

And the whole point of this entire joke of a discussion, if you seemingly couldn’t tell, is that no single vehicle should be entirely worse than another simply because “it was bad in real life”, or in this case because “skilled players use it”. But you seem to have a habit of ignoring stuff that has been quite literally written out for you.

@FlipAllTheTables Give up with this guy, he is either trolling or will never actually understand what is bieng said, He’ll argue till the end of the earth

well fine, request br gets reduced on what is not meta.
Not meta - bad - so buff or reduce br.
I understand.
I just think your not seeing the bigger picture and the long term implications.
Things always get reduced in br anyway, happened recently.

john wants his vehicle reduced br - so we give it.

Now john fights billy.

But John’s vehicle is now considerably better than Billy’s.

Now Billy wants his BR reduced. - gaijin gives.

Billy is now fighting Gary - Gary is now the inferior vehicle.

Gary wants his br reduced - you see where i am going?

I am all up for BR reductions etc but only when necessary and honestly i think the jap BR’s are fine.

The problem is everyone wants everything to favour them.

When everyone wants this - it doesnt end. A br reduction may suit YOU when using that vehicle but what about everyone else?
Everyone cannot have things in their favour all the time, there are many people using a variety of vehicles, you change things to suit you - someone else suffers. Everyone wants their vehicle to be the best at the br but you cannot do it.
Some vehicles have got to be worse than others and some vehicles have to fight an uphill battle against superior vehicles - sometime you have to be the underdog, thats the result of variety, you cant please everyone everytime. I am simply looking at this from a community wide perspective rather than what simply suits me.

It’s just balancing.

While war thunder is supposed to accurately represent the features of any given vehicle, it is not supposed to accurately portray the conditions in which they fought. Realistic conditions would mean Tigers breaking down and not being able to repair, Shermans having to spawn on the beach at Normandy, and everyone getting stuck in mud.

The BR system is a balancing tool, nothing more. In a perfect world, it would be an excellent balancing tool, but for now it’s just a balancing tool. Any given vehicle should fight a different vehicle of similar capabilities or general performance.

A full up-tier is where you’re meant to be given a challenge, not matches of the same rank. Whether or not a vehicle performed poorly IRL should have no bearing on that.

A slippery slope argument makes no sense here. Most vehicles at low tier have set in stone capabilities and therefore should be balanced according to those capabilities, and not much more. The wiggle room left over should only impact vehicles which have a specific playstyle, which may not fit on most maps or may be difficult to exploit.

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ngl these really have helped me a lot