Struggling With Ground Japan

As others have said, Chi-Nu II is probably your best bet as far as early ground premiums go. As far as having a plane in your lineup, I would highly recommend the Ki-61 Hei Tada’s as a good premium aircraft if you wish to get one.

As many will say, Having premium and getting daily log-in boosters is probably the most cost effective way to grind once you have at least one premium for both ground and air.

Exactly. Also think that if your goal is to play higher tiers for the long-term, buying a low premium might not be the thing as it’ll only help in the short term.

They force you down to Chi Ri lane so i have no choice lol.

True so true.

It is Japan…
Japanese tanks.
If you want to be on the same standard as everyone else - play as them
You play jap tanks to experience.
Dont complain with authentic experience, they are not best, hard to use and thats how it should be.
Japan didnt have good tanks if any honestly. You play Japan for the experience, expecting anything more is naive,
If you are expecting japan to be as good as America or Germany, read some books, check your history and correlate.

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Which tanks faced what historically does not matter.
The whole point of the BR system used in WarThunder is for tanks to face other tanks in a way that is balanced.

If Japanese tanks are poor compared to other nations, they should go to a lower BR so that they face opponents against which they have a better chance, not stay at their same BRs and continue to be bad.

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To quote the official WarThunder wiki on the topic of “Battle Ratings”:

Battle rating (BR) is a value used to determine matchmaking in War Thunder. Battle rating is a number assigned to every aircraft, ground unit, and naval vessel in the game that correlates with their effectiveness in combat. Roughly speaking, as a vehicle’s capabilities and performance increase, so does its battle rating. Battle rating can also differ depending on the game mode. For example, if a vehicle may perform considerably better compared to its opponents in Arcade Battles than in Realistic Battles, it may have a higher battle rating in the former.

Battle rating does not correspond with real-life introduction dates, but rather, the vehicle’s in-game performance. Even if major technological imbalances existed among the vehicles in real life, the battle rating system allows War Thunder to remain balanced at all ranks by only matching vehicles with similar in-game performance against each other.

Your opinion on this topic does not matter. WarThunder says that real-life introduction, or even real life performance does not matter for BR, but in-game performance does.

If a vehicle with it’s current in-game performance is underperforming against vehicles of the same BR, then it should be lowered. No single nation should be more challenging to play simply because it’s vehicles are underpowered for their respective BRs.

If my statement is “EXACTLY what is wrong with this community”, then take it up with Gaijin themselves, because they agree with me.

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i have up to 8.0 japanese tanks, they are the hardest tanks i have played compared to germany, russia, usa and britain.

In ww2 Japan didnt really have many tanks and the ones they did have, were crap.

They used naval guns and they often buried the tanks in the sand on beaches as defensive fortifications…

They were terrible. So now you want these historically crap tank to have a buff or br reduced?

Well i died in a tiger the other day, when is that getting a buff and reduced br down to 3.0???

Japanese tanks are not very good, period, historically. That is reflected ingame.

The japanese tanks are hard to use and rightly so!

If you dont like it, dont play it. where does this lunacy end?

Read it again

Battle rating (BR) is a value used to determine matchmaking in War Thunder. Battle rating is a number assigned to every aircraft, ground unit, and naval vessel in the game that correlates with their effectiveness in combat. Roughly speaking, as a vehicle’s capabilities and performance increase, so does its battle rating. Battle rating can also differ depending on the game mode. For example, if a vehicle may perform considerably better compared to its opponents in Arcade Battles than in Realistic Battles, it may have a higher battle rating in the former.

Battle rating does not correspond with real-life introduction dates, but rather, the vehicle’s in-game performance. Even if major technological imbalances existed among the vehicles in real life, the battle rating system allows War Thunder to remain balanced at all ranks by only matching vehicles with similar in-game performance against each other.


Not every vehicle is supposed to be easy to use. Deal with it.

So have I, you are not special. I even have better overall statistics.

All you’ve shown is that you have entirely ignored everything I’ve pointed out. Even Gaijin says that historical performance does not matter for BR, so stop with this useless moot point.

Not to mention that there are tanks in every single nation that are at a lower BR and faces tanks that they otherwise wouldn’t in real life (or don’t face what they would in real life). Nearly the entire Swedish tech tree from 1.0 to 5.7 is like this. But even in nations like the US, Germany, Russia and UK this holds true for vehicles like the M24s, Cromwells, M41s, ASU-57 and ASU-85.

This has got to be the worst straw man fallacy I’ve ever seen. You’re saying that dying once in a vehicle is comparable to an entire vehicle that is underperforming? If you want to make the argument that the Tigers are underperforming at their BRs, go right ahead.

So… you’ve ignored arguments, made a horrible straw man fallacy, and are now calling me a lunatic because you don’t understand how the BR system is inherently supposed to work. You are someone that should just not have access to internet.

well fine. remove all br’s and everything fights everything then.

Ask gaijin to make your shitty jap tank as good as good tanks.

Not as good as a tiger? put it rank 1.

They are supposed to be difficult to use.

You move things down then it leaves gaps elsewhere.

Deal with it.

Jap tanks are difficult - yes. end of.

I chose to play Japan, i was not forced to, i knew the japanese tanks were not very good compared to others, but i made the choice, i wouldnt walk into it then complain.

Same story for you. It is called VARIETY.

That is your opinion. What you fail to realize is that your single opinion holds no grounds on what GAIJIN believes.

Gaijin says that the BR of a tank is determined by it’s efficiency in-game. All you’ve said is that the tanks in real life were bad, which is completely moot.

If the vehicle underforms and obtains worse performance than other vehicles at it’s BR to a substantial enough degree, it should be lower in BR. Don’t like that? Too bad. Move on.


what you need to understand is that there are a great variety of vehicles, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

You start moving br around because vehicle x is not as good as vehicle y - it never ends.

Some vehicles are not as good as others - as it should be, br should not be changed due to fact it is not as good as its counterpart.
Then someone feels the phantom is too high br = drop that down - then the people fighting it complain they cant do anything against it, - so then that vehicle gets br reduction etc etc

Accept some vehicles are not as good as others - you never killed an enemy in an inferior vehicle?

a casemate tank destroyer is not as effective as a tank - do we reduce br of all casemates based on that? no ofc not. this is no different.

Maybe i would agree if i could see major performance issues but i dont.

5.7 - 6.0 is a bit rough but what do i expect? to have Japan perform as good as russia or usa? that would be silly.

I genuinely dont see a big problem here, unless your referring to high tier?

what does variety even have to do anything with this?
vehicles being bad means they will be less played while the better vehicles at the same br will be played more, thats not variety is it?

That is personal choice.

Every vehicle is poor in comparison to others. Think about what your saying.

Quite literally not even close to what I said.

I’m not asking for a buff to Japanese tanks. All I’m saying is that if a tank is shitty (which according to your own admission, Japanese tanks are shitty), it should be facing other equally shitty tanks. That is how the BR system works.

Strengths and weaknesses are supposed to be overall balanced for their respective BRs. If a tank is inherently “shitty” as you say that Japanese tanks are, being downright worse than what other nations have available, the weaknesses are overall worse than the strengths at that BR, and the vehicle should go to a lower BR to where they are balanced.

BR changes and vehicle rebalancing happens all the time, every few months. You’re acting as if the BR of a vehicle going down or up is something that doesn’t happen ever.

If a vehicle is overall worse than all of it’s counterparts at its BR, then it should absolutely be lower BR.

Except if you actually look at different casemates and turreted tanks, and it becomes evident that generally speaking, this is exactly what happens. SU-100 compared to T-34-100. SU-85 and SU-85M compared to T-34-85. ISU-122 compared to IS-2. Even casemate TDs compared to turreted TDs end up like this, such as the Nashorn and Waffenträger.

5.7 to 6.0 is quite literally one of the BRs where Japan performs the best. Japan gets the best M36, the phenomenal light tank that is the M41, the Heavy Tank No.6 which is just a Tiger (assuming you’re lucky enough to have it, as I am), and the M4A3 (76) which is a great medium tank. Coincidentally, none of these vehicles are Japanese. 6.0 is the only BR where you can make an entire 5 vehicle lineup without any of them being Japanese, and again, one of the best BRs that Japan has to offer.

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m36 was recent release, tiger is marketplace and expensive, sherman is great - same as all shermans.
But anyway.
What vehicles do you have an issue with in japan tree?
What vehicles do you think are “bad” and need a br reduction?

I’m not here to argue what I personally perform best or worst with. I’ve given my thoughts on the Chi-Nu, as it was one of the vehicles that OP was using, and that is that.

Everything since then has been based on your own words saying that Japanese tanks are worse and should remain worse, which is ludicrous.

If they are worse, they should go lower in BR.

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