Strela OP in Arcade

You need a lot of skill with tanks. That’s why trash players use CAS, since it requires none.
With tanks, you have to know 1000s of individual things, and to know how to use this knowledge.
With CAS, it is just “haha bomb go boom”.

Yeah, and maybe that’s why I’m “good” (cuz I’m really not that good) my favorite tank is the T-80U Sweden, and I “main” it, with over one-thousand played battles. I know every weak spot, and every ammo types weakness and strength, but I only have just below a 1KDR. Maybe it’s my bad luck, or my ADHD. My CAS gameplay is “similar” with a lower-than-one KDR

Israeli Chapparal has no radar, neither does LAV, and the Strela has better missiles than both


I love how SPAA players are so arrogant that they refuse to understand anything that is different than their echo chamber

As i stated before,i play tanks in Ground AB 80-90% of the time ,and this includes playing SPAA,so i spend more time in a SPAA (of there aren’t any in my team) than i play with the jet/heli minigame. My comment simply explained what are the tactics of dealing with enemy SPAA,which surprise!is almost exactly the tactics GRB players use.

You’re the one being hurt that CAS planes in GAB can fight back because SPAA players most of the time farm kills for a superiority complex,not because they want to be useful for the team. (I’ve seen countless players J out of their SPAA only to leave the match).

If you can’t accept this fact,i’m sorry to tell you that on real life,the official NATO doctrine is “Air Superiority with Air Assets”,and this doctrine comprends SEAD and DEAD which is literally using airplanes against SPAA.

Again,i’m not a CAS main. I have Tier IV planes and Tier VII tanks,so even if i want to,i can’t bring prop planes into top tier GRB,therefore i mainly play Ground AB,and if you read (again) my statement,you would understand that i rarely touch airplanes and helis during a match, and when i do that is because i want to give a chance to my team

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I somewhat regret making this post, I did not foresee this argument getting blown out of hand

Strela needs a buff.

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Source:trust me bro

rage bait?

I agree, 5.0 max br fr fr

yeah, even now in 10.0 in AB. Still, wht th fck. Every spaa except strela, just watching the strela farming the kills :)

The only spaag that has a chance, is the asrad r from Sweden. Especially against helicopters, since you can fire at ranges further then the Strela. And the Bolide flies just as fast and pulls more G. Can also be used against lights since it has 200 mm of penetration.

All others are toast, Strela just locks everything regardless of flares, can fire in quick succession, and outperforms all other heat sekers in terms of G forces. At that BR.