Strela-10M2 passive detection

Which ones exactly, because they all have the same play style the only difference is that the USSR equivalent are either lower in BR or objectively better in some or several aspects.

sure because you only see 8.3 jets with the strela… btw flares do work agaisnt it

Actually EO modes got changed from dev to live. EO lock range on the strela went up from 5km → 6km (well, 5950m). EO lock ranges on the Type 93 and Tan SAM went from 8km → 7km. So in terms of lock ranges, it’s similar now. Not to mention it works against even low IR signature targets. It might only do maybe worse against scout drones, but idk those emit like very little IR as well. Usually the smaller things emit less IR, but not necessarily vice versa.

Strela stats now:



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And how would you know when you have only played Japan?

Better off not talking about balance when you have never even touched the nations you are talking about.

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Strela-10M2 must definitely go higher. How high is questionable. It is very deadly up to 5km but has relatively limited capabilities in bad weather and there is no system for effective searching of targets. On BR 9.7? Definitely. On BR 10.0? Maybe with passive detection.

You’re deflecting away from the point I’m making, what is a B57 supposed to do to counter a strella?

Fly high and drop its LGBs.

If only we had the B-57G Tropic Moon III in game.

The B-57 doesn’t get LGBs, it doesn’t even have CCIP. It also doesn’t have countermeasures and can’t outmaneuvere the strella’s missile.

The B-57G does look pretty good though and I’d love to see it ingame.

Passive detection definitely isn’t worth a br increase. It’s literally just a radar warning receiver.

It’ll probably be fine at 9.7


well, the same way as you defeat radar spaag with an aircraft a full br lower, fly low and fast, and try to not be seen, btw it isnt like a santal has any issues killing a b57

Flying low with radar spaa causes their lead indicator to drop into the ground. With an ir missile, it won’t do much. It’s also kinda impossible to use the bomb sight like. I personally haven’t encountered the santal enough to determine how well it preforms (or maybe it preforms so poorly I rarely die to it). The issue with the strella is you can’t dodge the missile as it’s 20Gs and you can’t flare the missile as it just ignores flares, so there really isn’t any counter to it. On top of that it now has optical locked and the people in this thread want to give it a RWR but have it work like a search radar that doesn’t ping you

This is some slander. After all, the strela rocket normally flies to flares. Before the addition of PC it was necessary to target carefully and know when to fire the missile (A-10 and spam flares, etc.).
Now there is PC which helps with that, but it’s easy to confuse the missile in PC mode by flying low background.

with an ir missile flying low also work as you need a direct view to lock on and the missile wont be able to hit you if youre too close… aside the point is to sneak on them, not to mention that it heavily reduce the lock on all aspects of the strela. also while flying near the ground you can make it to crash into it

you can, it is one of the easiest manpads to flare.

its nowhere close to a search radar just a rwr, it is by all means worst than a search radar or search irst

Already the addition of this RWR in the strela-10 would be very good. Finally awareness on the battlefield that something has appeared in the sky instead of tryharding and scanning the sky with your eyes

My friend’s strela beat me to killing a fully flaring MiG-29 or F-16 (one of these 2) in my Israeli Chap, which is supposed to have a hard to flare missile. We were both close to eachother and I even fired earlier.


I mean does nobody understand what an advantage it is to have such a small seeker FOV? I remember when people complained about the old AIM-9L not being able/hard to flare because its FOV was so small, the Strelas FOV is even less then half that and people think its “easy to flare”.


I’ve have an easier time flaring stingers, or just turning slightly as that usually makes them miss completely.

You are correct, however, some people want it to be more or less a copy/paste of the system the Ozelot has for the sake of adding it sooner.

My experience has been the exact opposite. Same with the people I play with. I’ve seen them ignore large caliber flares similar to how the Aim9L used to back in the day before it was nerfed into the ground.


i mean if u shoot in rear aspect ofc they are hard to flare, but in front or side its easy, with PC almost impossible if u quickly gonna fly low

As @ueberman said earlier, it has half the FOV of aim9Ls prenerf. They are literally free kill missiles. PC mode or not.

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