Strela-10M2 passive detection

Strela doesnt need any more buffs, I would argue its actually undertiered.


No the RWR is far more complex than just giving the general direction , it can track the target and skew the turret to the target . Here you will find more details about my report based on primary documentation ( manual ) . The report has been accepted since February , Devs are aware of this but no fix has been brought thus far : 9K35M2 Strela-10M2 missing means of detection . - Already Reported & Resolved - War Thunder - Official Forum


In today’s patch ( they fixed the radar.
The last thing is the addition of passive detection

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Lmao now thats a good joke. You can’t flare Strelas. Once they shoot you’re dead. Game over. Its not called The “AA that never misses” for no reason.


Make it foldable as well.

Yeap youre full of it. Def the type to sit in the back of the map getting air kills with 0 effort

You can, if you are lucky with bad weather, when it is not possible to use photocontrast. Or when you fly really low to the ground. In the first case, however, you have to be very lucky, and in the second case, your combat effectiveness is also reduced to practically zero when flying so low.

Bad weather doesn’t even matter either, they’ve shot me down through the thickest clouds plenty of times.


Can “doubt” all you want. It happens all the time and theres evidence lmao, its not even up for debate, you’re just in denial which is pretty weird but makes sense since you main Russia, idk why you people hide behind broken russian vehicles gaslighting people so your precious coded bias remains.


Where was he, behind u as you flew away? They can detect IR from the rear too ya know lol

The optical guidance does not function off of IR, it functions off of cross section. The missile should have lost guidance the moment it entered the cloud due to this, same case with low altitude shots.

As of late however the strela has been able to hit targets in clouds and at extremely low attitude while superior rosette seekers like the FIM-92 have been unable to lock targets even out to .3 miles.

Gaijin is having a great time toying with seekers again.

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I’ve done some testing myself. Clouds hardly prevent its locking ability. It can lock you if you while you’re in the middle of a cloud, because for some reason the heat from the plane contributes to an ability to lock while you’re in that mode. Its very strange.

Because it is big, horrible mobile performance, no early detection system, no weapon other than the 7mm, no thermal vision and the missiles are horrible against flares.
I mean, because it doesn’t have what other vehicles have at 9.7, except what you said, 20g, it’s the only thing.

Bro little bit late with that “horrible against flares”. It have already photocontrast which have 100% resistance against flares.

Here are better videos how “weather doesnt matter”. Tested with both fire modes.
Photocontrast (on second video is even very good visible the difference between ability to lock on clear sky and on clouds):


Here get rekt another Strela which also was not able to lock incoming jet because “weather doesnt matter”:

For comparision how works Strela-10 in good conditions. I think that the difference is huge.

It might be possible that some of the inconsistencies with clouds have to do with that clouds are rendered client side, but I would need to verify that myself as well. I’ve read that other people have experienced this in the past, where one player saw a cloud and another didn’t. It would for me at least explain a lot of the inconsistencies i’ve had from experience with IRST or IR/TV locking.

Perhaps taking a look at the server replay can reveal if there truly was a cloud there or not. However generally in bad/cloudy weather maps there’s often a lot of clouds, so there might be a lot of overlap in client and server side clouds, which means generally speaking locking ability of IR/TV is bad. Gaps in the cloud coverage can still exist server side, which can result possibly in locking through clouds. But again, might need to verify if this is (still) the case (and also if it’s the case in ground rb).

Except that is not how clouds work. Clouds disrupt the heat of jets because, clouds are in fact, water particles and even ice particles, so they disrupt/scatter/absorb inferred radiation emitted by aircraft, and the thermal contrast between the aircraft and the background is crucial for IR tracking.

I guess this will be a good topic to ask this.
Does anyone know what is this on Strela?
Seems to be some kind of electronic equipment, but i cant find anything about it.