Strela-10M2 passive detection

wtf? i just gave an example that strela and m163 both have radio tracker radar (that big satelite) but m163 had this HUD. I didnt know that they removed it.

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Like that stopped them from keeping the Israeli Chaparral at 10.3 lol.

Which is now worse than the Strela mind you lol.

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Performance and BR of most SPAAs around this range is questionable to say the least.
Strela and Wiesel should share the same BR to begin with, Type 81 is undertiered by several BR steps, all the while IR missiles are trash and will get outranged by helis at or below their BR, which is comical.

Why would someone even spawn, let’s say, LAV-AD and then not being able to lock a 9.3 heli at ~3.5km distance, while his missiles are more than capable of reaching you in return.
Total disgrace.


I took the Strela out for a ride yesterday, the performance difference was so massive that, if not for Strela’s lack of scanning radar, it would be unironically better than Rolands. I got air kills that I’d never get with Stingers, ever.

Then there’s the Israeli Imp. Chap at 10.3, to which the current Strela is straight up superior (no joke).

TAN-SAM - > 11.0 (could actually go higher, I’ve faced it on the dev server and had problems in a MiG-29… A MIG-29).
Imp. Chap (ISR) - > 9.7
Strela - > 10.0

The only way I see it.

If Gaijin ever fixes Stingers to 22G pull and gives them DL and their fancy mechanics, I can see Ozelot going to 10.3

Why would someone even spawn, let’s say, LAV-AD and then not being able to lock a 9.3 heli at ~3.5km distance, while his missiles are more than capable of reaching you in return.

Something something IR seeker can’t pick up their signature at longer ranges… yea, if they’re FIM-92A, but we have FIM-92E & K.

Like, 92K uses Data Link for targeting, it should NOT CARE about the seeker’s limitations, and be able to engage all sorts of target out to the missile’s kinematic range limits.


Never really had time to play Strela, but I’m actually glad at least one IR-based vehicle feels nice to use. From my experience playing other IR-based SPAAs, anyone that’s even remotely decent at their job will clap your cheeks really hard, especially helis.

Other thing to note, Strela’s lack of search radar, it’s size and no thermals are the reasons I would firstly put it at 9.7 with Wiesel and see how it goes from there. That being said, it should go up from 9.3 that’s for sure.

I have hope they will reduce BRs of Chaps in the future, considering they are still pretty freshly added vehicles.

They seem unable to predict how strong/weak SPAAs will be, and it looks like they aren’t even bothered to test it for themselves before they give it a release-day BR.

It just seems (and feels) unbalanced to be forced to use IR missiles against helis in their current miserable state. Even if they make those missiles “historically accurate”, I would argue vehicles like LAV shouldn’t move up one bit, considering how good helis start to get at around 10.0.

Looks like Gaijin is fine with a fact that LAV-AD can’t lock 9.3 BO 105 inside BO’s maximum range and has to actively dodge incoming missiles, while unsuccessfully trying to get a lock.


6km lock range, IRCCM, 16.5Gs.
3.2km lock range in IRCCM mode, 5km launch range in photo-contrast mode.
Chaparrel’s still a bit better.
Of course 10.3 GBUs out-range both.

Mig-29 out-ranges TAN-SAM.

I ain’t saying Strela shouldn’t increase in BR, all I’m saying is photocontrast doesn’t increase its range beyond NIM-72G.

xDDDDD strela at 10.0?

  1. no passive detection
  2. no thermal imaging
  3. missiles have a range of 5km max.

IMP. Champ can be 10.0

if they give 20-22G to stinger u say ozelot at 10.3? xD it should be 10.7

  1. Search Radar (IRST) gives awareness
  2. Thermal imaging
  3. Strong IRCCM

Maybe strela-10m4 with thermal imaging and 9M333 missile can be 10.0

xDDDDD strela at 10.0?

First this.

IMP. Champ can be 10.0

Then this, the irony is lost on you. Imp. Chap and Strela, for all intents and purposes, are identical… well, apart from Strela having better missiles and electro-optical guidance, meaning it can engage stuff out further… but hey, a better vehicle just has to be at a lower BR, innit?

Maybe strela-10m4 with thermal imaging and 9M333 missile can be 10.0

How about you play something other than Russia for once?


I have played my Chap with 72G along with a friend in his strela. He could get a lock before I could on a jet, get a lock more consistent to fire again, fire earlier, missile tracked the jet better through flares and got the kill.

And this isn’t even against helis which is about 2.5-3 km before you can lock them in the chap.

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Sounds like a you problem to me. However from now on you should refrain from giving your opinions on vehicles in other TTs and how they compare to Russia’s, you’ve got no practical experience and rely solely on theoretical knowledge, most likely parroting what somebody else said before.

You are somehow delusional

Pot calling kettle black fallacy be like.

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72G is worse than photocontrast sure, but that’s at 9.3 not 10.3.
Strela might end up going 9.7 - 10.0 but I doubt 10.3.

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I would be fine if they just moved the Strela to 9.7 and the Chaparral to 10.0. Both would be more appropriately placed at those BRs and it would allow for somewhat of a lineup to be created for the Chap.


God these things are a nightmare to fight at 8.3

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All the false flagging.

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completely agree with the Israeli Chaparall going down in BR to 9.7, 10.3 is just a joke.

unfortunately normal in this forum if you disagree with somebody.

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I don’t think there are any planes with countermeasures at 8.3 (not that that even matters at the strella missile just ignores them).

strela its perfect after the “photocontrast lock option” dont need buff or nerf or any br change. its perfect atm.

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A severe lack of self awareness.

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Then the NATO counterparts need to have their br reduced as they severely underperform in comparison

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nope. too long time dominate the brainless nato spaas