Strela-10M2 passive detection

I think it’s be unique, I’m for it

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Topic has been moved out of DEV Server section and into Macnivery of War → Ground Vehicle

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This would be awesome.


Do we even have the relevant radars modeled? A significant number of Strike airframes only have their radar modeled in the X-Ray view let alone those with A2G modes functional, within the BR range of the -10M2.

Sure it would be nice to have, but the other half of the mechanic(s) would be cool too.

both have radio tracking radar but only m163 has this

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Classic gaijin . But yeah be it through historical RWR or something along the lines of what you are proposing Strela-10M2 deserves better situational awareness .

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Atleast they could give ozelot radar without that spinning marker to strela:

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That was reported years ago (in March of 2021 when it was first added), the report was closed down on the basis of; “no, it’s correct”.

Only after numerous follow up reports and us forcing ourselves on the devs and mods about this, did they actually correct it. We had to fight tooth and nail for 2PL to get the proper resolution. Funnily, it was only really changed after we proved it to the devs that the way they think of thermal camera generations is incorrect by… pointing out 2PL and BVM have the same camera resolution in real life, yet one is 3rd gen and the other was 2nd gen in the game.

Yet its main round is still underperforming (reported in July of 2021), nor does it have the APFSDS it actually uses in real life (DM63 - also reported 2 years ago).

On the other hand, i’m just waiting for Strela to finally be moved to 10.0 :)


As long as the type 81 stays at 10.0 you’re going to wait for a long while

One vehicle staying at X BR doesn’t prevent another from moving to an Y BR.

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do you realize the x and y are the same in this scenario?

Okay? That is irrelevant and quite frankly you’re only trying to change the goalpost. The thread is about the Strela, not the TAN-SAM.

If you want to talk about the Japanese one, make a different thread where you lay out why it should be moved up.

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how is it irrelevant? the tan sam outperforms in every measure, so they shouldn’t be at the same br

Because this thread is once again, about the Strela and not the TAN-SAM?

We have the M1A1 AIM and 2PL sitting at the same BR, AIM outperforms the 2PL in every category but it wasn’t moved up. Your entire logic just now fell flat on its face.

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yeah and im talking about the br of the strela…

except they are quite comparable, even more now that the pl got 3gen thermals.

Sure. So talk about the Strela, and why, after its massive improvement, it shouldn’t be at a higher BR than Imp. Chap or Ozelot or Type 93, when its better than all 3 in terms of missile performance, with Ozelot being the only out of the 4 of them to have a search device (and it paid the price by being 9.7).

except they are quite comparable, even more now that the pl got 3gen thermals.

Strela and TAN-SAM are also quite comparable if we’re going with this logic. Both have missiles that are nearly undodgeable, and contrary to popular belief, Strela’s AAMs are quite resistant to flares so even without IRCCM they can catch people.

In case you haven’t noticed, the change from 2nd to 3rd gens is nearly unnoticeable - and you’re still ignoring how AIM’s firepower, armour and survivability are far superior… oh wait, you got neither.


yeah and the gap in performance between the tan sam and the strela is even larger, the difference between the strela and the type 93’s missile is 10g, 8g compared to the mistrals, while difference betwen the strela and the tam sam is 15gs, but it’s missile is also faster, longer range, have a better overall dual seeker and also have thermals

nowhere even close to the irccm of all the other manpads

btw i do think that the strela needs to go up, but it should’t be anywhere close to the tan sam.

Except there is a problem dm63 in my Country isnt used alot its mostly older shells Yes i am polish

That’s just statcard performance which is irrelevant. The devil is in the details; Strela’s AAMs have much better deflection, and start off slower than Stinger/Mistrals - meaning they have better manouverability right off the bat, their track rate is higher etc.

Is it inferior to the TAN-SAM? Yup, but on the other hand, it is, as of now, so much superior to Imp. Chap, or Type 93 or Santal - none of them get a contrast seeker, all 3 still suffer against helicopters, and their missiles are basically incapable of taking out anything that isn’t afk.

nowhere even close to the irccm of all the other manpads

Even IRCCM missiles can be spoofed, point is that at 9.3 there aren’t that many jets with CM’s, even less so in downtiers, there Santals or Type 93s IRCCM is a useless “advantage” for them.

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You are forgetting about one thing, Type-93 imp etc. are using man pads while strela is using full-fledged surface-to-air missile