Strela-10M2 passive detection

XDD strela10m4 with thermal and 9m333 missile can be 9.7-10.0
Strela10m2 without rwr is still 9.3 material. And even with rwr still 9.3

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It’s identical to the Israeli Chaparral if it had RWR. Instead of IRCCM and shitty gen1 thermals it would have RWR and optical lock, meaning that you can actually fight helis.

So either the Strela would move up or the Israeli Chaparral should move down.

Hmm why the jewish Chaparral should move down? 6km all aspect missile, IRCCM, thermal, more missiles than strela?
Strela should get RWR at the start.

Dear Smin. Has anything moved forward on this topic? Can we expect RWR in strela in this patch?

You mean a similar range as to what the strela will likely be able to achieve with optical locking? Oh wait what are you saying? The Strela will actually be able to hit helis at that range with the new feature unlike the israeli Chaparral that can’t really lock helis outside of 2,5 km (outside of 1km against Ka-52).

And the optical that will ignore flares like IRCCM?

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You praise “optical locking” as if it were something OP.
After all, 90% of the battles you play have bad/medium weather. Rarely will you hit perfect.
Now strela may be able to lock on helicopters from more than 1 km away. I’m shooting for probably around 1.5km with optical locking.
And yes the king in lock on is Stinger where it has 2 times longer range.

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I don’t play with speed of sound on so I hear them just fine usually, though the stinger has such an artificially low G limit, it’s pointless to try and shoot one frontally as it just misses sometimes even without the target manuvering

mate, you downplaying how huge improvement of locking with photo contrast. they lock by the size of the object.

Optical Lock by Zenturion7

if this still the same and don’t really have huge changes to the live server, this is massive improvement for strela, since the limit is now the missile range, not the lock


You have shown Tan-Sam1c where his rockets are 2 times better than Strela.

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it was a showcase for photo contrast lock and since it was a new updates they use the new and upcoming SAM, why you always poking some hole man.


wtf? tan-sam1c has better rockets with better all-aspect lock range what with what goes further lock on range with PC.
Strela, not so good so this video is redundant.
Show a comparison with strela.
With the rest, don’t derail the topic.
This topic is about passive detection and not PC

I don’t know if anybody mentioned this yet, but (apart from the obvious buff that is optical tracking) locking helis will be easier only when they are quite elevated. If they are close to the ground, which most helis with sensible pilots will, they will have a reduced lock range and easier to decoy.
Though optical tracking ignores flares lol (you need to fly really low to decoy them)

I am guessing that the Strela-10M will eventually go up to 9.7 or even 10.0. It will be nice to have the Strela-1 to bridge that gap (at like 8.7 - 9.0)

But back to the topic of the passive detection system on the Strela-10, there is a prototype, which is basically a Strela-10 but with an IRST on top of the launcher (wish I wrote down the name, can’t find it now), that can be added if implementing the 9S16 is problematic.

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Did you know that the optical contrast is using a different system to lock? The stat card performance is the IR, so it has nothing to do with how photo contrast work.

And I do agree you guys are off topic a little bit, and I am here just to give you a more information. But it seems you just nitpicky at this point, with that being said i’m done trying to help your misconception.

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that would be nice

" 9A34A TELAR which is equipped with an Azovsky L-136 MAK-F infrared search and track (IRST) system"
maybe u ment this?

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If it had it historically, I don’t see a problem with it. If the Strela-10M2 will be overpowered on a given BR, it will grow in the BR. Even so, I think that if Strela-10 will work as it did on the dev servers, BR will definitely grow.

Add rwr and increase br to 9.7 lmao

So whether there will be an increase in BR does not depend on anything other than statistics, so it is not our job. Our job is to draw attention to the missing historical features of the given vehicles, as for example, missing passive detection of the Strela-10M2.

how do you want to code that to fit the game.

Im not a dev. But for now a copy paste rwr from planes would be ok as a placeholder

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Yeah this could work.