Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

It can take an eternity even for critical gameplay features as well

XM8 and CCVL still lack blow-out panel functionality since addition 3 and 2 years ago

The damage caused by this bug cannot be overstated, these vehicles are driving powder kegs

well, the snail is pretty up to their name

I don’t understand how, in such a configuration of Brimstones, to use them against top SAMs, especially on the Tornado

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Is there any info on the addition of Chinese air-to-ground munitions? Community Bug Reporting System - Community Bug Reporting System
the reports have been in acknowledg of receipt for months, and still nothing, the addition of these weapons will not break the game since they are very close equivalent to the AGM-65, it would do good for the player of the Chinese nation to have indigenous Chinese air-to-ground missiles rather than use Russian or American weapons for air-to-ground



Against SAMs your better off with Paveways or JDAMS. Brimstones are excellent for clearing up everything else.

You are better off asking @Gunjob on the finer details. The man is a menace with a Tornado.


use the new map POI feature to target the place you know the sam is in

stay close to the ground and fire the missile when the UI element stops flashing

watch remaining flight time on missile

when there’s 10-20s remaining you climb, find the target and lase. this is the only point that the Pantsir will be able to see your plane


Nothing to announce or talk about currently.


What else do you say to fix Pantsir-S1? Maybe a 50kg bomb from a biplane?

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Please stop with the off topic / trolling.


But it’s easier to continue using the Harrier GR7 with the AGM65 than to keep a laser on target and be a tasty morsel for the plane. Why even have new planes then?

Idk, asking us to counter SAMs with bombs seems a little like a troll, especially compared to IR/TV guided missiles other nations get

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That is, at the moment Chinese A2G weapons still cannot appear? Is the Chinese CAS still a blank in this version except for the 11.7 JH-7A?


Because now we can put a label on the map (figuratively GPS) without getting out from behind the shelter. Then, to combat the Russian air defense, it would be possible to issue a KEPD 350/Storm Shadow


You need a variety of gameplay. As when Grom-1 and Grom-2 were introduced for Russia

I would throw them at ASB from field to field))) Well, or to spawn, where there are usually SAMs, and a friend from a drone would give me accurate reconnaissance.


Can you not just stop replying to all the brimstone talk it has been talked to death and nobody is saying anything you haven’t answered in some form already.

This is a very strange position to take. With this logic we should never expand the aircraft roster in game once a meta vehicle is added.

Both Tornado GR.4 and Typhoon have other weaponary besides Brimstone and were going to come with or without Brimstone.


then people get mad that they’re being “ignored”

No, it definitely would not be. This is a very advanced and long range cruise missile.

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Promise there won’t be any collateral of tanks getting sniped from 50+km away with absolutely no counterplay?

Your attack pattern will vary depending on maps. But typcially go wide using your pod to set an SPI on the spawn. Climb away and lob PW4 at the spawn. From out of the Pantsirs range. If they move you can use the laser to correct. (they don’t often bother to move.)

I have a few videos on GR4 on my YT channel plenty of dead Pantsirs.


not necessarily needed once the update drops ;)

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