Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)



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Doing God’s work Hen, thanks mate!

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Gaijin is probably going to add Patriot next year

maybe not patriot but hopefully something competitive

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I hope the 2000D RMV also gets its AASM Hammer bombs because as far as 12.0 is concerned its’ a bit underwhelming tbh

Apart from that there’s only SLAMRAAM and Stryker MSL that could be placed at toptier. Both are weaker than patriot

Yeah but probably good enough for now to even things out

T26 with a flamethrower, patrias, T72 fin mod, 155 T55A, ITPSV 90 (T55A), Comet with the 105mm, bmp with lav 25 turret. ect ect, gaijin needs to not be lazy


when you post DM me the link, i will be your most avid supporter

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I’m in the same situation with the US. I would hands down make a good US squadron vehicle in Rank VIII-ish my next squadron vehicle if/when Gaijin releases one.

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The patch will drop before the christmas and new year sale wont it?

gotta give the devs a little bit of a break, right?

likely yes
since I believe gaijin has to get the patch verified by console companies before they have their holiday break

not even that. We don’t need the AIM-120C-5 at all yet.

i was so thinking that they were gonna add the german EFT below the tornado, but being under the phantom also makes sense. actually excited to grind this game for once!

Tornado is a strike aircraft, the only lines they would have put it in were the MiG-29 or F-4 line, and the F-4 made most sense being West German


Now that the Eurofighters are coming with Brimstones, I will refresh this topic for you;

Please, engage and draw as much attention as you can. It’s indecent that Russians can have kajillions of KH-38s, many nations can have AGM-65G/Ds by the dozen… but we can’t have useful Brimstones.


And the Tornado GR4 shouldn’t be limited to 9 Brimstones if the EFTs get to carry 18.

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At a minimum, we need the wing mounted Brimstones for it.

But also if we are to remain SAL only, should be upgraded to BRimstone 2s