I’m pretty sure those are just the real numbers of how many each can carry, no?
Like it could carry 12 but without the laser designator so with that it’s 9, no?
I’m pretty sure those are just the real numbers of how many each can carry, no?
Like it could carry 12 but without the laser designator so with that it’s 9, no?
they didn’t this update tho, Italy is the second operator of the Pzh 2000 both in numbers of units and in time of service entrance but still the premium hungarian was preferred (for now) even tho there is no need for it nor gap, Italy should have it too.
The Tornado GR4 could carry up to 12 on the fuselage pylons, currently the targeting pod occupies one of those pylons and there is no option to carry more Brimstones instead of the pod.
Since the GR4 has an integrated laser designator, the Brimstones can be guided without a need for the Litening III pod to be equipped.
And as @Morvran mentioned, there are wing mounted Brimstones as well
It doesnt. Only laser designation is with Tpod. FLIR doesnt have the ability to guide laser guided weapons. In fact it shouldnt really be usable for PGMs like you can currently
AFAIK, that’s only for vehicles per se. I’ve attempted to make some suggestions in the past, but not one was ever approved.
Interesting, it lets you activate the laser ingame without having the TPod
Might I bring your attention to:
Latest Suggestions/Gameplay topics - War Thunder — official forum
It would fit right in with the gameplay suggestions I believe
@SPANISH_AVENGER I don’t mind doing it if you won’t, but it should be a simple copy paste job for you
I think that is just a wierd interface bug, but when you are in the actual FLIR, and activate laser the text doesnt appear like it does with a Tpod. (iirc)
I was just testing it without a TPod and it does show the laser text, but it doesn’t display the laser cursor. Well, the interface not working as intended is nothing new, I suppose.
Still, that would be 15 Brimstones with the wing mounts and not just 9.
Yeah, but yeah, Tpod is needed for SAL. but we could still have 15 SAL only but 18 if we ever get MMW.
But in the meantime. Typhoons should just get historically accurate Brimstone 2s and might as well give them to the GR4 as well (it did use them). Would also love to see Prox fuses added to the Brimstones, makes them much better at dealing helis (and I definetly dont want to use them in ARB/ASB as unflarable missiles like the Vikhrs can on the Su-39)
With the Tornado able to carry 18 (and their in-game performance on the GR.4) I guess there’s no reason not to now
Just to double check, is there a laser designator in the Harrier GR7s nose? Because it does let me actually guide stuff without the TPod equipped on that one.
the Harrier Gr7s nose pod thingy is actually meant to be used during ground attack iirc. So It might have a laser designator. (by the fact that AGM-65Es can be equipped without a tpod, Im gunna say it does)
The FLIR on the GR4 was meant for night time navigation and doesnt.
Or something to that effect
I’ll give it a try!
EDIT: done! But I doubt it will be approved, hahah.
Aight. The Tornado GR4 does seem to actually have a laser, but it’s only used for rangefinding.
So to conclude, 15 SALH Brimstones and up to 18 if we ever get mmV Brimstones.
I’m leaving this pic here in case anyone is curious about how the BMD family looks
(those marked in blue are the ones that, in theory, could go to the tech tree)