Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Because the K9 was not in service with Sweden

I have noticed on devserver, that they are lowering BR for Flankers to 13.0, Mig 29SMT to 13.3 and F-16 to 12.7, instead of expanding BR limit. Which is really concerning to see. Are we going to have F-22 at 13.7 as well? WTF

You are right but oplot-P (trial) and pak t-80UD both use the local 125 mm apfsds that has the same pen as dtc-10
According to the manufacturer of the dart and MODP

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Unique visual modificstions you will be able to get in the event.
Cuz why not?

what do you mean?

and upgraded engines

That was done a while ago.

@Smin1080p_WT the German EF2000 in the game will remove the Brimstone missiles that are already equipped? I see that an issue related to this has been accepted.

These jets have had the BRs you mentioned for a while now

K9FIN Moukari, bub
for the Finnish tree

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@Smin1080p_WT Why is it that the German Typhoon doesn’t have AIM-9L/I-1s?


Idk, but probably event. We had an event with Is-2 (premium)

Let Britain get its WW2 SPGs first i.e Bishop, Sexton, Deacon
Then Britain get its ColdWar SPGs i.e AS90 and Abbot
then the concepts, i.e SP70 and AS90 Braveheart
and even after that if Britain requires an SPG, then there’s a unique one called Bhim-155.
A joint South Africa-India SPG comprising of G6 turret + Arjun hull. ~ nearly got inducted but didn’t due to weight and later, K9(which you requested) won trial beating Msta-155 & Pzh2000 I think.
+There’s Aussie SPGs like Yeramba, AS9 Huntsman


I am betting on that tbh

We don’t have this missile in game yet.

oh, the german names, i think next version of it is this:


Finland is also a subtree. Italy got the TT PzH 2000 because it was in service, while the premium PzH 2000 is from the Hungarian subtree. Drawing parallels, Sweden could have received the TT K9 if it had it in service

What is Strela doing?

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We didn’t have the AIM-9L/I before the F-4F ICE came.

Since IRIS-T is not coming it makes sense to give the German Eurofighter the 9L/I-1 to give parity with the other Eurofighters who have 9M

german strela :)