Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

In the least permissive air environment in human history. Not even the NATO intervention in Serbia can hold a candle to the conflict in the place we can’t talk about.

C-130 armed with MOAB when? Its GPS guided after all :p

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Yeah, though for the most part the mirages just ran away rather than fighting the black death.

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Pantsir would just shoot the MOAB out the sky 🤣

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We also cant forget about their horrendous modeling of the Harriers Cooling system

Sure, and those AESA radars weren’t too helpful without AIM-120’s, hence why I mentioned it. MKI is no slouch in WVR dude.

If you can get a C-130 into drop range in GRB, you deserve to drop it.

Watch me. I will Top Gun 2 that sh!t

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Actually. It’s fine in game.

The issue is how Gaijin have the throttle set up.

What is 80% now should be 100%

What is 81%-100% should be 101% to 120% (aka WEP)

And then what is currently WEP should be a separate toggle for water injection.

If you mean the harrier IR signature Vs missiles then yeah, that needs an overhaul

Is the water injection in the engine for boiling a cuppa?

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Ahh I see that makes more sense, what would the Harrier 1 be comparable to flight oerf wise if modeled correct?

That’s a separate device in the cockpit

Is there a milk and/or sugar tank as well?

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FM is pretty close currently, but possibly bleeds too much speed in turns (someone on the forums is working on it but it’s tricky because the data he has is with combat tanks which aren’t modeled in game yet)

But the main advantage/buff is the ability to deny rear aspect IR shots (and maybe even all-aspect missiles from certain angles) passively via the use of VIFF.

Also flares would actually work.

Combine with things like EEGS for the SHars and they just become far more pleasant to fly

(Also really really need the FRS1 changed from strike aircraft to fighter)

What do you think the wing tanks are for 😜

Ah. It’s all coming together then. Would they model them into the xray view? I’m waiting for my stove and toilet internals for the Su-34, shocked I can’t see the commode when bored dodging SPAMRAAM upon takeoff. Lol.

but did they have AIM-9X and JHMCS? if they had their current loadout vs current loadout F-15 would have advatage

With new internal modules for tanks. I think someone is working on a bug report for the water heating vessel in most of our tanks 🤣

Need that extra spall soaker


I’m assuming no, since it’s 2004, and I think that’s a negative on the 9X too, no?

3:1 sure, but there were 34 SHar and there are 428 flying F-15 in USAF