Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah that’s it thanks

Mhm, again the EFT/Rafale just fills the F18 gap for those nations lacking a missile carrier. As the majority were stuck with 4 FOX 3 at most.

I just want a Hornet, in any shape or form, it doesn’t have to be top tier or meta or anything

This is a game about military equipment for fans of military equipment. The Hornet has a lot of fans and I am one of them

It has been sidelined for so long, that’s all


Still a shame no A model yet

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Ill be waiting for Finland to finally get the jet that warrants their existence whenever it arrives. Until then i will continue to look down on that tree with shame lol. Now if they got anything like the Gnat, Hawk or literally anything unique aside from 1 plane that would be cool.

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Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t care for the Strike Eagle.

It’s meta, but also bland and boring. Literally the same F-15 we already have but 2 seated and better engines.

A Hornet would at least be a different aircraft


Finnish Hornet?

F18 has the exact same play style??

Tell me you don’t know the aircraft without telling me you don’t know the aircraft

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I’m a little late to this but is the R-27EA a real missile or mockup and has there been anything confirmed for the Su-33?

From what I understand is it has R-27ET/R-27ER’s and R-73 missiles. I also read something that there was talk of modernization of them along with procurement of more MiG-29 carrier variants? Not sure how true that is.

It Can’t even go Mach 2…

Yeah, their entire addition imo was pointless and low effort. Not a single air gap was filled by them. A 5.x fighter finally? Nope, and bombers that could help in the 6.x and up range? Eh a vampire with bombs instead of rockets but it drops both bombs at the same time… any unique modified versions of vehicles nope.

I mean, as in just throwing aamrams

Pyörremyrsky is cool tho

Well from that point of view every plane has the same playstyle, which isn’t true.

Yeah might i remind you of the real finnish air line?

Finland needs unique vehicles in the TT not just in the prem line.


Imagine if there was the progression arrows between them XD

Might as well, again finland ground was nice but again, why a C&P t72 when we couldve gotten one with ERA and a 22kph reverse, why a leo when we couldve gotten a patria? Again why gaijin couldn’t try even the slightest amount. Again Finland was a joke of an addition

chat is this real