Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

The biggest strength is the long range AGM that’s pushing RU on top right now. It used to be okay since it was only on Su-25 but now that it’s on a better platform it can be a bit oppressive on some maps

T72 FIN mod 2, had a 890hp engine so even better HP/T

Hoping for top tier fighter AESA next major

Will allow for competitive F-16 in the BLK 60

It’s a mockup, but it’s not like the Russian Federation would’ve needed to reinvent the wheel to make an existing seeker work with an existing rocket body.

Later R-73 seekers are used inside the R-27ER’s that are fielded today. Changing seeker heads is very much a feasible task.


Nice! Looked it up and discovered this thread

There are some real cool and unique modifications. The T-55 with german add on armor is nice

Again why gaijin went the most cheap and lazy route is beyond me, literally 60% of the vehicles added could’ve been unique. Even the Panzer IV and the T34, add the pepper pot muzzle br3ak and replace the MGs in the Panzer IV with Finnish rifles. Anything would’ve been nice

Su-30M would’ve made for a less OP version of the Su-34, basically a faster Su-25SM3, without Kh-38’s unless they wanted to give them it. Otherwise it would’ve been 6xKh29TD’s on a supersonic multirole Flanker with some R-77’s to boot. It would’ve been balanced, wouldn’t have had TVC or canards, and really wouldn’t have been hard to make. Su-30MKK could’ve come along too at that point.

The T55 beat the T72 in their training which is why the T55M wasnt retired until 2020. The Fin mod T72 iirc was too expensive to upgrade all of them so the T55M was just better.

Is it though? You know as well as I do why they’d make that decision 🙂🙃


1960’s finland, they kept them in service for a long time same with the Sturmi, again where is the Sturmi gaijin?

Or any late model StuG with cast mantlet for that matter

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Idk, it sucks. Again finland was added with one unique tank and a unique modified T55 at the same BR as the T55 AM-1 with 300mm turret armor and a better engine. Doesn’t really matter though. Again it would be nice to see finland get some actual love since Smin stated the KV-1B will forever be on germany despite having one of the more important roles in the Continuation war. It really sucks just how disrespectful the History of Finnish tanks video was. Almost everything was a lie or just wrong. Really annoys me

And it wouldn’t matter since NATO CAS is as OP as Su-34 and has been since 2022.
Not adding a Soviet equivalent is dumb when the answer is always better SPAA and proper BRs.
F-16C, Mirage 2000 RMV, Su-34, F-15E, etc should all be the maximum ground BR [13.0] and new SPAA should be introduced for BR 12.7 - 13.0 to face that CAS on equal footing.

Preaching to the choir here on aircraft that should be in the game already lol

I am still in shock that:

1- The fact that this is shot ingame.
2- How has it come to this already? I vividly still remember discussions about whether supersonic jets would even come to the game like it was yesterday… and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, here we are…


Considering that it’s been six years since the first supersonics, “the blink of an eye” is not how I’d describe it.


My perception of time is probably a bit messed up, hahah. Sometimes I’ll say “the other day” or “a few weeks ago” to refer to something that took place 5 years ago xd.

I am just kinda cursed… I remember it like it was literally yesterday. It’s as if I had gone to bed back then, and suddenly, I wake up in the present day. It’s not just accuracy or vivid memories, is the perception that 6 years didn’t really pass, it feels like it was just a few days ago…

Anyway, enough existential dread, hahah.


They do say the older you get, the worse your perception of time is, so maybe you should start looking at retirement homes.


none of these are even real?

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Afaik they are planned to arrive only in 2026, so don’t expect it to be in WT anytime soon, plus plans can be changed.