Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

In the far future, a Saudi one for the UK, an Austrian one for Germany, and a Spanish one for Italy may happen.

the game should add the aim-120C if they want r-77-1

they should just fix the r77. its that easy lol


The Leopard 2A7V wasn’t shown in the teaser for Air Superiority, so there’s still a chance that the F/A-18C just isn’t finished and will be shown off in the stream.

I pray.

Smin said no f18 this update


pretty sure someone confirmed neither su30 or f18 are coming this patch
might’ve been smin but i forget

Can you link the comment?

Why not just fix the R-77? Its way way draggier than it should be.


It was Smin.


If you let a game get to you in this way best to take a break

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First update of next year it is, then.


Resto in pesto

While this could be taken in as neither confirmation or denial, I think it makes the most sense that it’s a denial of F-2 for this update

Surely next one…


More likely with his comments probably mid year. He said a few updates. Still i digress what US really need is an SPAA with more than 10km range. Or an update to remove ERA from the SEPv2.

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Cope: Su-33 with N011 Bars radar (N011M is PESA+), with R-27EA.

Hope: Su-33 with N011 Bars radar, R-77’s (drag fix would be nice too).

Reality: Su-33 with Myech, no ARH’s (fix instructor/flaperons/review FM at least?).

Such a mixed bag. Hoping there’s at least one Christmas surprise under the tree tomorrow in the stream. The stream is tomorrow, right?


I will mourn with you as you’ve accidentally summoned me.

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why remove the ERA from v2 at that point it just be a SEP with a crows

Because that is all the v2 is. The ERA is dead weight. I’ve said this multiple times v2 should have been a research upgrade in the SEP. Just like USSR got for their i think it was the t80


How :o