Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

France is not entitled to ships with good air defense. You just don’t understand

I present to you, the double December Monday dev blog

VT-4A1: Actively Protected!

Strv 122B+: A Tough Nut To Crack


Wheelie blog,
Boat blog,
Plane blog,
Tank blog,
Location/Feature blog + Teaser thursday
Dev Stream Friday,
Dev Server Weekend

Rince n repeat another week minus the teaser and stream and voila!
Patch drop and Holidays!

Well, certainly, still, they traded it for a recon plane, which can be really useful, particularly in these horrendous maps were some points are only for locked for Coastal ships…

No, what I am more concerned about is the ammo they’re gonna give the 152mm…They could remove the 1943 APCBC, and just give it the 1937 SAP…

140mm pen

Oh, true, I forgot about its HMD. So yeah, slightly higher BR than FCU makes sense then, regardless of if it gets any better weapons.

Thai F-5A armed AIM-9E like USAF but nit equipped countermeasures

My opinion, battle rating 10.3

AIM-120C-5 already in unused assets but no model

Gajin announced last week from devblog

don’t give me hopes xD

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US F-5A and C never carried CMs either, but they still get them in game because export nations fitted their F-5As with the CM bins above the engines. I expect Thai F-5A will get the same treatment.

I was referring to AIM-120C not being confirmed for next patch, so it seems pointless to expect a BR based on its addition if we don’t expect it to come just yet.



So like Thursday

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I am opening my ultimate copium can

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What about helicopters?
Japan hasnt received any helicopter since it arrived.
Also lacking lineups and overall vehicle count. Will Thailand also bring helicopters this update just like Hungary?

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Or how about Teaser Wednesday/ Stream Thursday / Server Friday

Server usually comes same day as stream, no?


Not entirely without precedent.


Teaser today clearly


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If anybody wondering what else BeNeLux can bring,
one of the first tank destroyer of WW2, the Belgian T.13 (1938)

Based on Vicker Artillery Tractor and mounted a RCF 47mm antitank cannon

came in multiple variants

and yes, Germany captured some of the later variants


Make the British people suffer more by adding the Little Willie to the tree, make the ww2 vehicles non reserve

Would probably have better survivability at top tier than the challenger 2 because of the large crew count