Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I agree, but based on the percentage of aa that are pantsir it would probably be about half of ARM kills would be on them

I’ve seen a lot of people talk about Yurofighter’s load out, but not much at all on Rafale.

What sort of A2A / A2G is that thing packing?

7 AASM most likely for a2g
and 6 micas for any f.3R or lower variants

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from a quick google search not much that would be in game besides paveways unless I missed something or if they add anti ship missiles

The AASM Hammer will be pretty nasty


I think they are too long of range to be added, at least after the pushback with grom

The hobs capability with AASM is what excites me

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W/ the S-75 SAM site minibase added last update, and the LD-10+SEAD gamemode in the update before that, plus all the other SAM site visual assets put in the files earlier this year,

I believe the answer given in the covert disclosures relates to the answers given abt anti-radiation near update Sky Guardians, to the effect that the devs don’t consider them useful against player-controlled surface to air missile systems, but that doesn’t prevent them being added for use against appropriate targets controlled by the computer in Air modes.


I dont know why they wouldnt be useful against player controlled SAMs though, because most just sit there with their radar on in spawn

Afaik people should be able to just turn off their radars and move out of the way. But I don’t have a lot of knowledge about HARMs. Also IDK if the singular-vehicle SPAA systems we have now are powerful enough to get a reliable lock with the HARM.

they should against older ones, irrc more recent HARM models also have millimeter radar to track stuff that turned off radar and started moving

and shouldnt have a problem getting lock, because it should be able to be designated roughly where the radar is by aircraft RWR

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I think ARM’s (certainly earlier ones) are more intended to hit large static Radar stations & SAM battery’s, than they are to hit relatively small, mobile SPAA like what we have in game.

I read a post a while ago talking about how what we have ingame, doesn’t really ‘emit’ enough to permit an ARM the kind of accuracy needed to be effective.

When we start seeing things like Patriot / S300 etc, that’s when they’re really useful.

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iirc. Thats what Gaijin beleives but it is widely debated among the community whether or not that is true.


I dont know why that would be the case, you would certainly not be able to get a lock from as long of range but would definitly be functional within a certain distance, and as long as thats over 3-5km it would work fine if you just launched it at the battlefield without locking first

Aye, everytime the topic is raised it seems quite contentious. I’m not nearly ITK enough to come to my own conclusions on it. Can only parrot the takes of others.

It’ll be very interesting to see how they handle the mechanics for such a thing though.

I doubt any radar weaker than tor or pantsir can even get picked up by major ARMs besides AGM-122. But it can be like the wargame way and say lets forget realism - but in this game it would result in huge unbalanced CAS domination.

I really dont see why not, the antennas for an RWR isnt much bigger than the one in a ARM seeker

R-77-1/RVV-SD for MiG-29, Su-27 & Su-30 later variants, Su-35S and MiG-35

But at present MiG-29SMT (9-19) only used R-77-1

5 Fighter Aircraft top tier only armed AIM-120C-5

I suppoese in the future JAS 39 Gripen C & F-16A Block 15 ADF (RTAF) and another american 4th gen fighter aircraft carry AIM-120C-5

ODL? Not sure what you mean by that.

Su-34 can usually gamble for a single turn shot, but you still need ACM to help get the window of opportunity for a kill.

Not impossible, but not easy either.