Even if they wanted to be lazy, They could just multiply the spawn distance on the maps big enough to permit it, and ground spawn on those which don’t.
I think they really should have added at least the very early ARM’s right after the pantsir once it was clear how much better than everything else it was
they’re just not a priority, but they are being worked on afaik
Even the general ground play area to me is rather small for top tier, I don’t think they need to be overly massive but also not every map needs to be this kind of closed in knife fighting match where we have like 1 or 2 lanes of movement. That’s another issue with the current SPAA as well is most have nowhere to go other than spawn, especially if its larger bus vehicles like the ITO, FLAKRAK, and Pantsir lol.
Again though, I don’t think Pantsir is OP. Better than everything else? Absolutely, but not OP.
Even Pantsir can get completely overwhelmed by AGM / GBU spam - all of which he needs his radar up to detect. Making him deal with ARM’s on top of this, and forcing him to shut off his radar would just hard counter him out the match.
And as always when we discuss ‘counters to Pantsir’ in this CAS arms race, it’s always important to remember 9/10 countries don’t have one. Any crazy thing you add to counter a Pantsir, an ADATS / ITO / Tor etc, all things already massively struggling, will have to face it too.
honestly the only way I could see clusterbombs being useful is gps guided versions
I do… this doesn’t fix anything?
I still have some hopium that this list isn’t entirely true, mainly because I main Japan and I would at least like a few other ASEAN countries to be added into the Japan tree. Not all of them of course but some.
it literaly lets you make off boreshots with r73
I swear, everytime I come into RR I somehow, inevitably get into / create a discussion about SPAA lmao.
I’m as a bad as the Brit moaners, ASEAN copers and US players dooming over euro-canards xD
I know they would also hurt other countries, but at least then it would make all AA struggle at times instead of AA being as inbalanced as it is now
At least that’s a more pressing matter than the others, at least imo lol
They did later confirm that ASEAN going to China was rolled back. There was a Leopard 2A4 from Singapore under China found in the files, but it’s not there anymore.
Hopefully it goes to Japan or something.
AA discusion is much more important than many other common topics because it really is a mess right now
though honestly if they just gave launch warnings for the pantsir like literaly every other SACLOS SAM at top tier it wouldnt be that bad
Ehhh, I see what you mean but… I think we should be lifting the many up, not dragging the few down lol.
It’s regrettable that we find ourselves in such a poor state of balance, and even more so that it’s persisted for so long, but we should be aiming for equality of strength, not equality of weakness.
It’s funny, I don’t mind CAS too much. I actually enjoy both playing it and countering it. The problem is right now it’s wayyy too simple and not nearly dynamic enough.
CAP should be cheaper, shooting down planes should be more rewarding, and we should get better SPAA.
I agree nerfing all to be equal isnt ideal, but it would be a pretty simple addition that would help make it less unbalanced
I just think (And from the Q&A, Gaijin also seem to think) that top tier AA is in such a bad place right now, and CAS in such a strong place, that any sort of boon given to CAS right now is just… kicking a man whilst he’s down lol.
I cannot in good faith, look an ADATS player in his teary eyes, and tell him ‘Hey buddy, hold this HARM for me’ lmao. I don’t think its use case against Pantsir, will offer much consolation when he has to face it.
literally me in my ADATS