Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

It also doesn’t help that players seem to not enjoy playing CAP duty and allow enemy CAS to wreak their team because they wanted to bring CAS themselves rather than something more useful.

I would love to do CAP if it didn’t cost 700 SP to spawn into a F-15C with AMRAAMs.


The issue though, is that CAP is somewhere around 10x more expensive than SPAA at top tier and there is no gurantee you will have something to shoot at. I would consistantly jump into CAP if I could, but you simply cant always


they dont even need to do it intentionally though, in any fight within 10km of the battlefield if the plane on russias teem goes up almost at all they will bring the person they are fighting into pantsir effective range and line of sight

I like playing cap. But its super expensive to spawn in, there’s always an AA piece shooting at me (and not the CAS bombing him) and, well… I’m not playing ground realistic battles because I want to fly.


AAMs should not affect spawn costs, while AGMs and GBUs should cost way more than they do now

I agree that it needs to be lowered, it shouldn’t cost so much to play CAP since (at least if you’re playing Japan) you have pretty much have no alternative play lol. I love my F15JM to deal with CAS, but when theirs nobody left to shoot down I pretty much become useless lol.


because if you dont follow it they will fire a r73 at you from close enough that its impossible to flare, or if you manage to avoid that without going up they will have so much position on you that you are dead

I don’t think the Pantsir is OP, I think it’s now the bare minimum of what’s necessary.

It’s just the fact it’s so much better than what anyone else gets, whilst being on the same team as the CAS that only itself is able to counter which make it seem OP.

If tomorrow, Gaijin dropped a UN painted Pantsir in everyone’s lineup like a strike drone sort of thing, no one would be calling it OP anymore, it’s only OP in comparison to the crap everyone else has lol.

Which is why I’m so excited for these better AA they promised :)


I’ve already complained enough about the ADATS, so I won’t anymore tonight. But often times the only way to counter CAS is to spawn CAP. The problem is the enemy spawns SPAA to stop me from doing CAP, so I have to either avoid them or kill them.

If I want to try to kill them, it costs ~900 SP (which is fair, I am taking a CAS loadout)

If I don’t, and try to avoid them, it still costs me ~700 SP to spawn CAP. It should cost at most ~550 SP imo.


and if they know to radar slave the r73 even preflaring wont work

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I just hope they reduce the cost by a lot to spawn in with a pure CAP loadout, so maybe GRB can start to feel like GROUND Realistic Battles again and not a game of what team can spam the most amount of CAS first.


let me explain the only 4 jets that can be in this scenario

Su-34 - Has no HMD, flies like a pig, would take forever to get an angle after a climb. Easy to avoid R73
SM3 - Has no HMD, Flies like a brick, takes even longer to get an angle after a climb. EASY to avoid R73
SMT - Can’t outrange SPAA to begin with, but for the sake of argument let’s count it. It will only get a chance to fire 1 R73 after a climb… and all you need to do is pre-flare and the R73 is cooked
Su-27SM - Same as SMT above

We are talking about 2 jets that cant use HMD and fly like bricks, and two of the worst jets at top tier at air combat.

it’s ironic, to make GRB more playable they need to make it easier to spawn into planes LMAO

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its nearly impossible for a russian jet, not for countries fighting russia because they have to hit the deck right after spawn and dont normaly get good shots because of how low they need to fly

This, and I really think they need to either make aircraft spawn on the ground, or much further away from the tank fight.

CAS should never allowed to ripple of AGM’s within seconds of spawning is my biggest complaint.

Even if we had better AA, and even if CAP was more affordable, CAS should never be allowed free reign to get off a full first strike before any counter has had time to react or respond.


True XD, but at this point I think that has a better possibility of happening over some actual useful systems to deal with CAS from the ground. And even if they do add good ground systems, I can almost guarantee they’ll immediately add the proper weaponry to counter them like HARMs.


clearly someone doesnt know how to use tall ACM well

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Well, in Q&A, they said better SAM’s are being worked on and there’s no plans for ARM’s anytime soon, so that’s promising.

But tbh, even if they did add ARM’s, I’d be fine with it. SPAA after all can turn their radars off, bait the CAS in close, and then go hot again lol.

Some actual fun back and forth, skill based counterplay between CAS/SEAD and SPAA would be a damn sight better than this current slop of AA just getting overwhelmed by AGM’s, launch by planes from outside their range.


yeah, unfortunately on a lot of maps the map boarders would need to be expanded because on some they are less than 20km from the battlefield