Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Or the enemy multipathed your Fox-1/3s and preflared your 9Ms…

Like I said before, let’s assume both sides know what they’re doing.

that is also another user error? Why am I making so many bad launches?

You act like F-15’s and such can just sit 20-30km away spamming AMRAAM’s like they do in ARB.

The whole point of bringing CAP into GRB is to stop CAS, and when SU-34 can launch 6 KH-38’s within 10-20 seconds of spawning, you don’t have the luxury of time to watch an AMRAAM wander across the map.

You’ve got to get in close, and that means getting in low or Pantsir deletes you. That’s how you regularly end up in this scenario.


they don’t even have to preflare, they can just flare your 9M in a headon

getting in close isn’t the issue. It’s how did I end up in a situation where I needed to be that close and don’t have a missile to launch?

This isn’t “lets assume both sides know what they’re doing” it’s “lets assume the attacker made the worst decisions possible and wasted his average 4 A2A missiles on bad launches instead of waiting for clean shots”

Because you can’t just sit outside the Pantsir’s range and expect your missiles to work on a plane that can notch, chaff, multipath, etc.

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I dont care about being in the pantsirs range. Within 10-18km his missiles are EASY to dodge and if you just fly low, he literally is not a factor at all on most maps.

and also I just caught this. What SM3/Su-34 player is sticking within a pantsirs EFFECTIVE range (not total range) it’s effective range. Because every SM3/Su-34 I see stays 15+ km out of the battlefield because if they get close they’re going to get eaten alive

Again, CAP does not have time on his side.

You’ve got literally seconds to intercept a Su-34 before the his missiles are off and the damage is already done.

Small sky zone maps like Seversk, Su-34 can literally launch Kh38’s from the very instance he spawns in.

You are forced to loiter in the Pantsir kill zone to have any chance at taking them out in time.

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They can already launch their missiles off the spawn so stressing myself with trying to stop them before they do is just me being dumb?

I’d rather just ensure they cant get the reload, because trying to prevent a top tier CAS jet from dumping its A2G load is nearly impossible.

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if you get entangled into a dogfight it definitely can be a factor

if you just sit outside his range and lob AAMs, the enemy CAS can just counter your missiles and go back to CAS’ing your team.

Maybe it is dumb and dangerous to try and stop them before they launch, but what’s the alternative ?

Just let 4-6 friendlies die without even attempting to stop it? Just spectate your team getting rolled ? You’ve got to at least try.

Tornado GR1 ZD851 'AP' Amanda Jane - ALARM (Tabuk det)

This would be a lot of fun. God I hope we get proper SEAD gameplay soon

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that is just stupid though, it doesnt make sense realistically and in this case hurts the country with the worst winrate at top tier

Man, Sandnado’s look very pretty

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I mean it sounds bad but that’s all you can really do you wont be able to get them before they drop their bombs or missiles. The best you can do is prevent rearming. Btw this happens with both NATO and Russian jets it isn’t just Russian jets.

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Oh I know it affects both sides, I just use Su-34 as example as it’s the worst offender.

The whole SPAA / CAS / CAP dynamic and interaction at top tier is in critically bad shape right now for everyone.

I’m more just coping over how I feel obligated to do objectively reckless things, to make the best of a bad situation lol.


Fair lol, I know people typically call the Pantsir OP but in reality the current state of top tier ground battles shows that every country has an issue dealing with both the amount of CAS as well as the newer very long range weaponry, if you are without a fox 3 carrier.

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To bring this topic back to RR though, to say I’m extremely excited for this improved AA blog they mentioned was coming soon in the Q&A would be the understatement of the year lmao.


tbh I find the SM3 to be arguably scarier due to the far better camera and presence of thermals making long range shots easier. plus the MAWS and CM count let the SM3 actually reliably avoid missiles long term.

I’m just upset that CAP is so expensive, and nobody has an equivalent to the Pantsir.

Hell even if the ADATS just had smoke grenades it would be possible to counter Kh-38s. But it doesn’t, it has ESS only, so I either have to find hard cover right out of spawn or suffer.

Would be nice if Fox-3s weren’t so expensive to spawn in with…