Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yep, they do have some crazy engines & TVC capability, compounded with R-73/R-73M (maybe) and HMS they will be very competitive in WVR

It also has a Two-pulse motor, it activates once it goes terminal.


By the time we get to Su-30SM2 and Su-35S, I doubt Gaijin won’t have released the R-73M, probably because the need for AIM-9X to keep things somewhat competitive will be unavoidable. Su-57 also, btw, can use the R-74M, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the IZ-300/K-30.

Love that, I’m pretty sure the Python 5 does the same thing, improves terminal maneuverability a bunch and makes it near impossible to avoid at the last second

Also, we have the Streak Eagle skin on the F-15A, but no one even mentions that all of it’s records were broken by this bad boy, and we still don’t have a skin for it.

This has been a P-42 PSA.

Well what actually happened with that is less surprising than what you are stating.

Around 2018 Lockheed made the proposal to help Japan build an 6th gen fighter with F-22 technology. Japan would be able to take 50% or more share in production and development. At the end though like sales of the F-22 to Australia it was denied by congress to keep it’s technology secret.

I’m not too well-versed with this, but weren’t there rumors that Northrop Grumman also offered a design based on the YF-23 for Japan?


They did, I am not too familiar with it but I believe it was joint development with the YF-23 as a base similar to F-2 (based on Falcon SX-3).

The Lockheed proposal was an off the shelf design, with options for Japanese engines and possibly weapon integration.

I think in general TVC isn’t going to be that impactful outside of 1 vs 1 dueling which is very rare as is. Even in ground RB you can just run back to your airfield to avoid a 1 vs 1

Christ, we’re getting a YF23AJ in 2027 aren’t we

please god no

Considering nothing close to that existed no.

Btw just found out this was a thing

" *The addition of the F-5E to the Japanese tech tree in this log does not represent the direction of game development. At the same time, we will continue to pay attention to player feedback on this vehicle and avoid controversial decisions in the future."

It was on the Chinese blog of the FCU

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Not surprised.

I’m confused, were they worried CN mains would be mad about Thailand going to Japan instead of them or something ?

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scared of vt-4 going to japan

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Considering the proposal was not an aircraft, but an offer for joint development based on one there is nothing to add here. The aircraft this would’ve been was never developed.


So Gaijin is scared to giving Japan the VT-4 through it’s sub but yet willing to give China whole of Asean which half are American allies and considering china as their enemy .

Doesn’t seems controversial : P


We’re no longer scared, it’s just Gaijin.
Though don’t expect it to be great, Gaijin will probably keep it nerfed.

The point is why is it so problematic I mean it’s a second hand tank It’s from Thailand not China if they modded it