This wouldn’t even have been a problem if Gaijin didn’t show negligence in their additions for Chinese top tier.
Does the Chinese player base think that this is somehow exclusive to them? When the Merkava’s are missing a bunch of armor because it’s modeled as composite screens. When the Type 10 has a hollow trunnion because “Japan couldn’t possibly make a cannon lighter than the Rh120 without it making it hollow” and massive gaps in the turret armor. When the Leclerc still has a paper thin UFP. When the Arietes are still missing composite armor in it’s arrays. When Gaijin interpreting the CR2 TES kits being resistant to 30mm cannons as 30mm of protection. The ironic thing is that the Chinese player base constantly cries racism against them when we have more evidence of Gaijin saying that Japanese and Koreans couldn’t possibly build good tanks than we have anything about comments on Chinese vehicles.
not rly USA tho, weve got 2 export jet being the av-8a and c, which was removed from shop, and the other would just be removed from tt. rest of it is all domestic
you seem to misunderstand. The reason the Chinese playerbase specifically is still the most upset overall. Is because their community manager was actively sabotaging new additions for YEARS and only recently did they start getting fixed. so they had both regular gaijin goof ups, and literal sabotage
No, we do not.
But at the same time we do not control what decisions that Gaijin makes regarding additions. NO ONE asked for ASEAN before they did that stupid interview which did not represent what we wanted.
China has literally had a former tech tree consultant that actively nerfed and threatened unhistorical nerfs to vehicles. Is that not evidence enough?
We understand that other nations don’t have accurate vehicles as well.
this should be applied to all west aligned ASEAN countries, for US and Japan since a lot of them use US stuff and japan could really use it
I still love the fact so many people hate on chinese players for the ASEAN leak… when Chinese players DONT WANT IT
China, France, Russia, America, and German ground are the 3 main nations that don’t want or need other people’s help. The others either have a few gaps (italy), underperforming equipment (britain), or nothing at all (Japan)
wouldnt be opposed to K1 for US but yeah.
all for K2 to Japan if they rly got nothing better than what they have right now
No one said they wanted ASEAN beforehand.
After the leak came out, there were some people that weren’t opposed to ASEAN, but still did not actively advocate for it and prefer to see domestic vehicle.
Yet this somehow became Chinese players begging for ASEAN?
Granted I was never good at maths, but counting this out on my hand, I still have two fingers raised trying to make sense of that
I was gonna go with China, Russia, and America, but then tacked on france and german ground because yeah they dont need it XD
Ok and? The primary forum mod who was handling most Japanese bug reports was a Korean who would go on acra live and bad mouth the Japanese playerbase. Just in this past year alone China has gotten more additions than Japan has gotten in the last 3. Its fixed now.
Key word “before”. Now that the option is even on the table they are falling over each other trying to swipe as much of ASEAN as they can. Then creating bad faith arguments like Japan is somehow lucky to be just getting a complete Thailand tree. You are even doing it now. “Well China had one bad CM, so that’s why it’s justified that people are trying to claim all of ASEAN”
See above my reply to Agent China isn’t special. Also it was an Chinese person who was the CM, so how is it racism when he was Chinese?
Even then, I’d argue the solution isnt to slap random equipment into the tree. I would say instead to fix the vehicles. If they are still underperforming, lower their BR.
Especially as slapping a T-90 into the tree doesnt magically mean the problems effecting the Challengers goes away.
You have doomed the RR
Soon they will be upon us
What have you done
deleting promptly, delete the quote as well, NOW
Nothing on the CR2 is “overperforming”
A few parts are correctly modeled, the rest are underperforming significantly.
Even the shells are marginally (or maybe even significantly depending on the soruce) underperforming
Lmao 😂
nobody here currently has advocated that all of ASEAN should go to china… at most they’ve advocated for more “chinese aligned nations” in ASEAN go to china.
fun fact - you can be racist to your own people