Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Its honestly baffling how quickly Russian Jets went from being the best and super unbalanced to good but nerfed pretty bad, like the Su-24 for example missin a TON of thrust


Lmao. Su-33 is on the leak list. Are you trying to say Su-25TM with R-77’s and the Su-33? Still a joke lol.

Yeah, I still remember the days waiting for anything better to finally fight the Mig-23MLD

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Half the forum doesn’t care either. We’re in the age of SPAMRAAM, and the rest of the nations without a good one are about to have one. Russia will literally be the only nation in the game without SPAMRAAM’s, and we’re told R-77-1 and R-74 are too good (I agree on R-74, not R-73M), and they won’t fix the flight models either. Oh well I guess, I’ll just keep fighting like I’m in the God’s toughest soldier/hardest battles meme.

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and that would off been my next point, so why can the Russians, the US and Chinese get an aircraft every single update with no issue while other nations get told to pack it in for a few updates ?

What kind of A2G loadout the Thai A7E have? Naval A7 doesn’t have 6*AGM65B, and Thailand never used agm62.

Just this year, unlike Russia and US, and half of them are C&P

gee it’s not like these nations have an almost 3 to 1 ratio of aircraft produced

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Any chances to see the A-37 Dragonfly in this patch or in the near future in the US TT, Japan TT (via Thailand/South Vietnam) and/or Israeli TT (via Chile)?


Given the number of missing variants or outright aircraft types missing from various nations at all BRs. This is a pretty poor argument.

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Your order is a little messed up here.

Not top tier.


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It’s really hard to find photos of Thai A-7Es with their weapon loadouts. These jets were former US Navy aircraft that served on the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers before being transferred to Thailand.


Dumb bombs and rockets but they will most likely get AGM-62 for balance reasons.


F-4S came with Update 2.25 “Sky Guardians”
F-16A came with Update 2.23 “Apex Predators”

Deathmisser didn’t say top tier. The Su-25SM3 that was mentioned also isn’t top tier.

The F-4S is also a premium but also irrelevant since Deathmisser didn’t specify tech-tree but just that Russia got something high end every update.


What came in 2.24 between F-4S and F-16

Nevermind lol

I just got here, does anyone have any idea what line the Thai subtree jets might be placed after? Or is the plan to maybe spread them out amongst multiple lines?

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except it isnt because that applies to those 3 nations listed as well?

Besides the “variants” argument is one I absolutely hate when people use, because a majority of the same people complain about “copy paste”

usually the sub tree is all the way to the right, and the amount wouldn’t warrant spreading them across the other two lines. also, i think japan doesn’t have enough top tier linee, so they should make another separate thai line


  • Tornado F3 Late
  • Tornado GR4
  • Bucc S2B
  • F-111C
  • Sea Harrier FA 2


  • F-16A
  • F-16AM
  • Mirage 2000D RMV


  • F-111F
  • F-15C
  • AV-8B+
  • F-15E
  • F-117
  • A-10C


  • Mirage 2000-5EI
  • JF-17
  • J-10A
  • J-11A

like I’m confused by your argument
I’m also confused with anyone who liked his comment and agrees with it. Because… more than half the in game nations got 4+ additions for air this year, without counting this update which is bringing 1 to each presumably.


Germany 💀