Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Mostly in regards to its acceleration and bugged neutral steering that needs to be fixed. Does the Type 10 have spall liners irl?

You know what’s funny? The best radar on a PLAAF fighter jet is the J-8F’s Type 1492.
Aka the radar that made the units that switched from J-8F to Su-27SK complain.
It performs better than the J-10A’s 1473.

How does it hold up against the 1474 on the J-11B?

No idea. I’d guess it does considering how recent of a tank it is.
But I don’t know how much it would matter. The tank is small enough that the round is going to destroy something if it penetrates.

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J-11B is using Type 1493.
1493 and 1492 are both products of the 14th institute based in Nanjing.
Chinese radar designation is grouped like this:

Using 1473 on the J-10A as an example, 14 is the institute that developed the radar, 7 is the rough diameter of the radar (700mm) and 3 is the generation of the radar (3rd generation, 700mm size).

So Type 1493 on the J-11B is a direct successor to the Type 1492 radar on the J-8F. It’s going to be unquestionably better.

1493 is the strongest Chinese fighter radar outside of the AESA units. There were rumors that the 1493 was able to overwhelm the J-10B’s PESA radar.


I see.
I’ve also seen videos of the Type 10 reloading as fast as 2 seconds. Probably not in the game because of game balance.

Ok I got the V2 now and researching the V3 so I’m ready for Thailand baby

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This chat is sleep

Did leaks include a J-10B and if so, is it confirmed to feature a PESA radar in all of it’s subvariants/years of manufacture?

It means very little given that the only AESA radar in the game is just a very fast scanning mechanically scanned array.


I think at minimum it’s PESA but it could be AESA since a select few were upgraded to use AESA on the J-10C?

No one knows if the J-10B got AESA ever but its 100% PESA

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This is why I’m pretty sure Gaijin is going to cook-up an “idealized, as marketed” Su-33, instead of the historically accurate Su-33. I have a strong feeling it’s going to have Bars, and everyone is going to whine.

Yak-141 2.0 incoming.

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Still find it annoying how the Russians got 3 jets back to back.

This update : Su-33
Last update : Su-34
Before that : Su-24
Before that : Su-27SM
Before that : Su-25SM3

Every single update this year Russia had a top end jet while other get told to scrape the barrel for a few updates


Radar, N011, is the designation. First-gen PESA found in the earlier Su-30SM’s, and Su-30MKI’s. It was offered to the Chinese for their MKK’s, and fits the era for the Su-33 we’re likely getting which is the 2010 trialed Su-33. It was not equipped with Bars for the trials, but was offered to the MOD, and foreign customers with it as an option. Radar would’ve been at least 5-6 years old by then, so very likely compatible with minimal modification if at all (reshaped radome and canards can handle the additional weight, part of the reason why it wasn’t chosen by the Chinese for the MKK’s).

Eh. Su-27SM and beyond will be dominated by SPAMRAAM. I haven’t been able to truly BVR without being molested by them for almost a year.

Annoying? Sure. But we aren’t going to get R-77-1 any time soon apparently, so SPAMRAAM will persist while we continue to have no true counter. Su-33, in light of EFT and Rafale tbh is a bit of a letdown, I really feel like they should’ve given us the Su-30SM at that rate.

My point is the releases have been lack-luster, at least purely from an ARB standpoint. I finally have a viable loadout on the Su-34 for GRB, so I’ll report back soon on that.

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Why would we get some demo/trialed Su-33?

I mean if you go by that logic…
this update: F-18
last update: F-15E
before that: F-111F, A-10C
before that: F-15C
before that: F-20
before that: F-15A
before that: F-111A
before that: F-16C
before that: F-14B
before that: F-4S
before that: F-16A

and with that we’re back at Fire and Ice in october 2022 when the US didn’t get a top jet


For me it’s a hunch, mostly because the Su-34 gave us canards for Flankers, and the AL-31F-M1’s, both of which the Su-33 will have. I think gaijin is rushed for time or lazy on this one. Su-33 is more ready to go than the Su-30SM right now, or God forbid, fixing the FM’s on the Flankers, Fulcrums, and drag coefficient calculation problems on the R-77 in the game engine.

The Su-33 that was trialed was accepted for service. If it came as it trialed in 2010, it would have the AL-31F-M1’s, and the N001, probably base radar.

So the real question is do you think Gaijin would give the USSR/Ru a shiny Su-27 that has marginally better WVR, and no ARH’s? I don’t think they will. I think they’ll just default to adding the Bars radar. Everything else but the radar is coming regardless, that is what is in service as the Su-33. The only contention is does it get the radar it was marketed with?

In short because it was accepted for service after the 2010 trials.

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Nah, its been a while since your last Su-25 variant. You’ll probably get the Su-25TM with R-77s at 13.0 this update

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