Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

yeah but unfortunately german air didn’t really have much to add to begin with.


So Eurofighter better be good because Germany only gets a fighter once a year


Unless it gets Gaijin’ed it will be

I LOVE fighting Australian vehicles in my Australian vehicle RAAAAH

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like this year alone without counting the next update. The amount of “high tier non premium” jets added by nation are
USSR - 4
USA - 7
Sweden - 2
Japan - 2
Italy - 4
Israel - 3
Germany - 1
France - 3
China - 4
Britain - 5
so I’m confused on why this dude singled out russia, and so many people agreed lol


No target designator pod and Air-to-Ground weapons limited dumb bomb & unguided rocket

USN A-7E only better export operated

what were they cooking with buying the A-7E only to use dumb ordinance on it

True, but if it’s a separate line it would make Japan have 6 lines of Air which I’m pretty sure Gaijin said they couldn’t do without reworking the game. Unless they somehow folder a line to make room.

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Thought game was supposed to be somewhat realistic in terms of vehicles

Wish we could’ve gotten something unique and interesting like the T-50TH.


did smin not literally say they are being added to exisiting lines

meh there are previous statements regarding the AJs addition

And now that they have a real F-16, it’s purpose has been fulfilled. If anything it should’ve been removed when F-15J came since that replaced it as Japan’s top fighter

The F-16AJ was never about having a top tier fighter. It was about having at least some kind of A2G missile in the tech tree and the F-15J doesn’t fix that. Ironically the F-15J is compatible with GBU-8s and I proved as much in a bug report, but it got denied because Japan didn’t buy them going against Smins words in this thread.


Idk as I said earlier I just joined like 30 minutes ago or so

It’s confirmed they won’t be getting a 6th line
bandicam 2024-12-06 13-36-01-323


@IMSOVOCAL also there this too

So it look like they are just gonna put all the Thai aircraft after the R2Y2 line, which make sense as when the R2Y2 get removed the Japanese end of the line will be at 3.7. So that means any early to mid war Thai prop can go in here no problem.


How about AGM65B? like F4F, each point can only take 1 agm65

Gaijin will decide based off TWO main factors

  1. If the vehicle is proven to be capable of using it
  2. If the vehicle ever did use it

and they will cherry pick at their discretion what gets what based off those 2 things.

Ah, right. I was thinking of the F-4J. Regardless, however, premium.

The Su-25SM3 is indeed tier 8, actually.