Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah typical WT community interaction, one guy disagrees and then it turns into a massive shitfest of toxicity and sometimes even racist remarks

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cough cough anything with DK or NOR theres a few more but yeah its one of the reason i just stopped doing vehicle suggestions. They would either have people just be toxic or people hate X nation and just try to find any way to be aggressive. Additionally until more stuff with sub trees are balanced out i dont really feel like putting together the work for some of them. Especially when there isnt a lot of history for the vehicle and the mods just take it down. Guess i should just make stuff up about the vehicle lmao.

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I mean this is gaijin, making stuff up is the best way to get something added lol

True but idk, i feel if i have to do that for a mod to accept it it generally isnt worth it. Not like a vehicle getting passed for consideration means anything anyways.

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Put a talisman on the FCU and it will be happy days, I so love that thing

Relisticlly sub-trees should have been down differently. And be the only way I’d accept the big three getting a sub-tree, or else you run into issues like people wanting modern things to matter more the the occupations that is like half the game time period.
(This suggestion is our holy grail with how often we post it, but it’s the best answer two all the issues with sub-trees and there are many)

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yee, I plan to do that at some point
As well as a tali on china and maybe france? idk if I wanna fly the f1c200 more lol

laughs in DK/NOR giving us the F-16, F-35, F-86, F-104, F-84, F-5A, and F-100

Neither does China, yet Gaijin wants to give them a whole continent, basically.

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ASEAN and Pakistan.

Honestly no clue what else unique that pakistan could give thats not alr in the chinese tree atm

Exactly and I love it

If Gaijin gives China Greater China then why can’t Germany get (clears throat) WW2 Greater Germany lol.


A lot of Pakistani stuff is indeed from China.

Half of Europe, hey?


Same logic as half of Asia lol 😂

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Pretty much.

call it the greater east asian co-prosperity sphere for old times sake

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And it would give Germany an F-16 which is probably won’t be neding now anyway