Stop crew lock

I fixed this problem- I deleted the game . Easy fix .

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Because every one of those players that 1 death left before you probably thought similar things to you and left. Imagine if they didnt? Imagine how much better your team would be performing? Now apply that to every time you want to 1DL.

This is true only to a point. If you’re the first to 1DL, you’re leaving when the team could still have a chance to win, and you could help and contribute to turning things around.

If you 1DL when there’s four of you left, and thirteen of the enemy team with full map control, you’re not diminishing your team’s chances of winning because they’re already realistically speaking zero percent.

These two things are not the same.

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I fixed this problem .Deleted game .

It doesn’t combat anything, it’s an archaic system that never did what it was advertised to do.

And it’s not applied to the one group that is the problem, one death premium leavers, which in turn promotes this behavior, buy one vehicles and you will never get crewlocked.

It’s frustrating for legitimate players who have a lineup and decide to no longer threw themselves into the meatgrinder, it’s not frustrating to those who abuse it because they throw money at the game for a premium.

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Not at all. Players with a premium account or premium vehicle are blocked in the same way as players without one.
Only sustained activity on the battlefield reduces the chance of having your crew blocked.

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If you give even some of this a read, you will see that premium users are not just the problem, it is also a large portion of the players with poor mentality who decide not to respawn for various reasons. People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs - #2 by Warpig

But you played yesterday 😉

So if I buy a top tier premium and I bring nothing else to the game, just one vehicle, I die and then I leave, you’re telling me I will get a crew lock?

And why do they have a ‘poor mentality’?

Unless of course they hold enough vehicles to run multiple 1 Premium/tech tree lineups. The early 1DL vehicle will obviously be locked but other slots will not.

Some people think that having someone on your team that went 0/0/0/4 to feed multiple people on the opposing team to respawn troughout the entire game has contributed more to the game than someone that went 0/0/0/1 and left. Technically not wrong, but they did not contribute to the team they were on.

They both haven’t contributed but one of them tried and the other did not.

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No they won’t get locked, this is the point.

Oh, so when I play and a Premium is crew locked it is a bug? Because my Premiums in lineups can be locked, I thought we all got that?

If a player is “trying to contribute” in a way that will get him killed again, like for example they try to get back the player that killed them, be it because they recognise the danger he poses or ego, and they get killed again, they’ve achieved nothing other than feeding.

Attrition more often than not decides the win, in order to have a neutral contribution on the game you need to take a player out of the game before leaving. With how cheap respawns are and how easy it is to gain SP, taking a player out of the game is not as mundane as it used to be. Back in the days you’d whack a downtiered heavy and that was that, nowadays a kill affords you about 3 spawns. If you did nothing, and wether you fed the same player 4 kills, or 4 different players 1 kill, you’ve essentially shot your team in the back on the way out. A ODL did nothing more, but at least they did not make it that much harder for those that remain.

Taking into account lineup depth diparities between nations, a feeder become even more annoying if you’re playing Japan against something like germany or the US.

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If you bring a single vehicle, it does not get crew locked is what I’m saying.

Just the single vehicle you spawned in will not be locked if you left after one death is what he is talking about

To answer your question literally, i would guess because their parents didnt raise them properly. or arent raising them properly given a large part of the community are teens. What i assume you meant is why is their mentality bad, and the answer to that is a bit more complicated. The people who go “well i fired one shot at a guy and i got a bs ricochet so im leaving” are fairly obviously shooting themselves in the foot, but there seems to be this idea that it is more efficient to only play one vehicle on repeat and just play a massive volume of matches with one life. I do not think this idea is based in any real matchmatical calculations, but simply on thoughts people have decided are the truth. The most effective way to grind in war thunder has always been to spade vehicles, and to stay in matches as long as possible to get that done, because of the massive RP bonuses you get for spading vehicles, and the boost in rp you get when researching the next vehicle in that line in the tree. buying a top teir premium is a surefire way to either burn yourself out, or anger yourself into oblivion, and most people then come to places like the reddit and the forums as places to spit that anger at everyone there, its why these places can be so toxic much of the time. There are many valid reasons for leaving a game before it is over, or before you have used all the vehicles in your lineup, but trying to grind the most efficient way possible is, in my opinion and experience, not one of those valid reasons.

Ah! Thanks.