Stop count the entire turret basket of the tank as part of the traverse mechanism!

I agree. The dev server implementation of the turret basket makes no sense. Just because a round penetrates the turret basket does not mean that the turret will lose rotation.

and they also add more fire sources but you only have 2 fire extinguishers
and restock on cap should also be able to restock your fire extinguishers but gaijin on their way to make top tier absolutely shit
FCS put you on fire, driver control put you on fire, turret ring fire, hydraulic fire, vertical drive put you on fire
FIRE EVERYWHERE(goes the same as leopard)
and they still havent correctly model hydraulic pump

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Also where are the rest of internal modules for T80s?

что ты имеешь в виду?

I have seen images of turrets being extracted on abrams online and there does seem to be components on the basket. As to what they do or are im not sure. I feel like obviously there may be components on the basket that can jam the turret if struck and damaged, but i feel like those pieces should be specifically localized on the basket in game. Hitting a random structural piece with no mechanical value shouldn’t disable the entire turret traverse whereas if you hit a hydrolic pump on the basket (if there is one) it should affect its performance. Likewise with the new vertical drive pieces as well. On the M1 it looks like a flat armor piece behind the mantle composite armor, but somehow if damaged it will jam the elevation mechanism. I’m assuming tanks, like military aircraft, are built with redundant performance systems in place, so if one system goes down another will still allow for operation. Like how tanks have back up powersystems that lend temporary power when the main engine stops producing power and electricity. I like that gaijin wants to model more internal pieces on tanks. It adds realism to the game, but adding them piece meal like this either heavily nerfs or can buff tanks. I think the entire internals that they want to add should be fully modeled and thought out in their entirety and added all out once. Im talking micro details specifically, because having a random piece of inconsequential metal being damaged count as a disabling shot seems dumb as hell, like the hullbreak mechanic in the past, where a light tank was taking stupid amounts of damage, but because one component wasn’t being criticaled the tank was alive, but then in another game a round could scrape that same tank and KO it.

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I asked a SepV2 TC and he said only the components on the front are turret hydraulics. I would be more ok with his change if they were consistent. If autoloaders don’t spall neither should turret baskets. Some turret baskets are already correct as well. This could really help the struggling M1 as frontal hull shots count almost have a spall liner for the turret crew. Along with the accepted turret ring buff the M1 would be quite good. Also Gaijin fix the damn turret ring, it should be close to 250mm protection, which is balanced as even low power sabots can pen that.

Please Gaijin don’t make this turret basket change!! I want to have fun and not be completely disabled anytime I’m looked at! This is terrible for gameplay!!!

Stupid BVVD, stupid gaijin.Weakening the other systems like this will only hasten the game’s demise. I’ve unloaded War Thunder. If this is implemented, I will call on more people around me to unload War Thunder

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Dividing the main battle tank into batches for in-game purchase by BVVD is undermining the game balance, and we don’t need realism to ruin the gameplay either.