Stop count the entire turret basket of the tank as part of the traverse mechanism!

In the dev server, the entire turret basket of the M1 series and Leopard 2 series has been counted as part of the horizontal drive. What kind of logic is this? The turret basket is merely an extension of the turret itself, and as can be seen from Gaijin’s modeling, it primarily consists of lightweight metal, serving as a non-load-bearing structure to prevent crew members from being injured by mechanical components. Now Gaijin is telling us that all of this affects the rotation of the tank’s traverse mechanism? What kind of logic is that?
If this is intended as a means to nerf NATO tanks, the win rate of top-tier U.S. ground forces has already become incomparable to that of other nations. Why implement such a nerf now? If “internal structure refinement” neither aligns with reality nor benefits balance and player experience, why introduce it in the first place? Today, you’ve introduced the entirely unrealistic inclusion of the entire turret basket of the Leopard 2 and M1 series as part of the traverse mechanism. What will you do tomorrow? Will all tanks with turret baskets now have their entire baskets counted as part of the traverse mechanism? If so, why is it only the turret baskets of the Leopard 2 and M1 series being treated this way? The carousel autoloaders of Russian and Chinese tanks have been part of their internal structure in the game for over a year—why aren’t their carousel autoloaders counted as part of the traverse mechanism? Gaijin, your actions disgust me!
I want to create a vote to allow more people to participate and make Gaijin aware of our concerns.

Do you think this change should not be added?
  • yes,this change suck
  • no,i’d like more players to suffer
0 voters

Because US players suck, simply put.


Ladies and gentlemen, its settled: Russian and Chinese autoloader carousels not being part of the turret basket is Russian Bias.

You’re hearing this live from the War Thunder Forum


I urge players of other tanks not to dismiss this issue with sarcasm, thinking it doesn’t concern them. If we don’t unite and force Gaijin to retract what they’re doing, they will inevitably apply this disgusting mechanic to your favorite tanks one day. Remember, turret baskets have existed since World War II. If they continue down this path, nothing will escape their grasp.


Not true. Reports that supposedly would buff Russian vehicles have been denied, and nerfs have been accepted. Confirmation bias?

Also, how do you know this turret basket debalce wont carry over to autoloader vehicles too?


From the very beginning, I opposed the inclusion of autoloaders as part of the internal structure for main battle tank-level vehicles. Gaijin initially claimed that “internal structure refinement” was meant to address the issue of light vehicles being difficult to effectively kill. So, what are they doing now? They have deviated from their promised balancing measures while also disregarding realism. Is there really anyone who supports this kind of change?


Since when are thin meshes that serve as guards counted as critical components for turrent rotation mechanism?


Therefore, I believe none of this should have happened. The turret basket should not be entirely counted as part of the traverse mechanism, regardless of the tank. This benefits no players whatsoever.


like the whole idea of detailed modules was supposed as a nerf to the ‘‘no armor is best armor’’ for light vehicles, so that no shots into the center mass can go through without damaging anything. Im already iffy about them adding some modules like hydraulic pumps and stuff to non-light tanks but dding this unrealistic and nonsensical module to nato mbts is just silly


i agree

I agree with the removal of “turret basket=horizontal drive”, but Russian bias isn’t a thing, and it makes you look like a conspiracy theorist if you think that it is a thing.


I believe Gaijin should set a clear boundary. Since this is intended as a balancing measure and does not fully align with reality, they should limit this mechanic to specific vehicles. For example, this system should only apply to vehicles under 30 tons and above Rank 6, and it should not affect the normal experience of other vehicles.

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Snails aren’t known to be intelligent.


I’m just speaking from my experience with submitting bug reports, and I’m admittedly a bit worked up. Gaijin’s developers leave me feeling perplexed—their development work seems completely disconnected from balancing efforts. The introduction of new features and their performance settings appear to disregard the current state of balance and the feedback from the player base. Regardless, this change must be reverted, or it will affect all players, and no one will be able to escape its impact. This is not a change that benefits the players in any way.

Even in the tests, you can see that there’s no hydraulic system or cables at the bottom of the steering gear, so why would the steering gear get damaged when the shell fragments hit a few steel plates? This is so unreasonable.

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it should be with armor thickness not weight imo since that is what dictates post pen damage and aphe fusing in game

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Recently I’ve played quite a little bit of vehicles that has turret basket like falcon and begleit, they just transform into a casemate whenever some enemy decided to look in their direction. I hope they added some more modules that instead of transform our vehicles into a casemate when hit, it transforms into a SPAA when we hit by CAP/CAS

I want to create a vote to allow more people to participate and make Gaijin aware of our concerns. However, I don’t know how to set one up. Is there anyone who can help set up a vote?

boxer mgs


I think there are nothing we can do. Gaijin just want to nerd leopards 2 in very bad way (leopard 2a7 and strv 122 is to op, i agree, but why nerf in such way???). And want nerf abrams for no reason. All reports are closed with reason

Game convention. Not a bug. If you have suggestions for the game, you can submit them on the forum:
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