Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

reckon not allowing US ground to perform well is one of the conditions for their gov funding

Gaijin’s main offices are in Hungary and aren’t a Russian company.


i feel the same, US have a insane fun top tier lineup, but the players is so bad that it loses all the fun.


Yes, I wonder how they haven’t made US obsolete in air as well, all the while making RU a top force.

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You say that like they aren’t about to Plateau hard over the coming updates, The F-15E with the -229 engines is practically as good as its going to get and basically everything else is a sidegrade or worse (F-15EX, F-16V, F/A-18E) in terms of airframe / A2A performance. until the F-22 is able to be added, and even then it’s going to suffer from comparatively limited magazine depth with only 4+2 (MRM+SRM) at best, and lacking a HMD, and the F-35(s) don’t improve this either.

And with the way that Later AMMRAM / SIDEWINDER variants are being held onto and will likely be added in concert with better missiles, what exactly can to be done to catch up with the Rafale / EF-2000, let alone reach parity in terms of A2A performance? Since it’s not like the US has a 8" or 10" clean sheet missile design awaiting implementation.

And in terms of A2G stores there isn’t anything that couldn’t be backported to other airframes since the -15E can basically carry everything relevant in the USAF inventory.

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Regardless of the future the US has dominated top tier air in the past years which contradicts the original conspiracy that Gaijin is paid to make the US vehicles perform worse.


It dosent You already got proven wrong and You still won’t admit that You were in the wrong, that aint an aps spot and Stryker wasnt meant to have an aps, if You have sources please show them cuz all You have shown it’s a mission in a call of duty Game as source

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I see you’re back from your ‘time away’, nothing too outlandish this time please


Saying ‘years’ is a convenient exaggeration. And if anything, it would be the last 8 months ever since ARH tech came out.

Sure but the general idea of the point still stands.

You can say that and I only have to believe you, but others make use of that ambiguity to push other narratives and lies. That’s why it was worth noting.

My point is that US air is (and will be) far from being the worst in top tier, which defeats his “theory” about gov funding.


I’m trying to see if it was ever actually mounted to a testbed but it was definitely partway though the EMD phase before its cancellation

Appears that it was to at least one hull that is functionally representative.

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Dude got the weapon count of the F-22 wrong lmao

It’s not going to be great going forwards as the Sidewinders and AMRAAMs are going to form the basic kit of practically all relevant airframes. And there will be a gulf in performance to any indigenous (e.g. AIM-9X-1 vs AIM-132, AIM-2000, R-74M, Python 4 etc.) designs due to being the yardstick that all competitors are being designed to beat, and so lose out due to being forced to retain the form factor and as such have a limited performance ceiling, lower than their counterparts.

And so will at best only be similar or lag in terms of performance so unless the Radar / IR Stealth characteristics of the F-22 there really isn’t any sort of chance for the US to be meta in future, and the F-35 is used (or able to be added) by the majority of Nations, so unless specific block variants are added performance will basically be uniform across the board.


They’re not jumping straight to a Block 20 / 30 F-22A, and even then getting a straight answer as to which specific block introduced which features (or even trialed a system) is difficult enough, which is grounds to have them not added.

Considering what they did with the Rafale, they would jump to a variant with the 120C, and therefore can carry 8 A2A weapons.

more like playing SnD and you hear “you’re the last one. Complete the mission.” Except the game just started and your team is full lmao

Which are nearly functionally identical to the -120A/-B until the -120C-5 and even then there are a number of airframes that are similar effected, which would provide no advantage especially since station drag isn’t modeled so the internal carriage has no additional positive impact on flight performance.