Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

no it doesn’t, because gaijin doesn’t know how to read U.S government documents. Let alone understand what " AS needed " means i dont know how many times i’ve read people refering to this document about the 2006 report to the 2016 report. then when we show you how to read it you all keep repeating the same regurgitated " 5 d.u tanks hulls "

Every tank made after 1998 started being built with D.U in the turret / hulls, instead of being upgraded to D.U in the turrets and the hulls

New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

I didn’t even know you could see that on the wiki.

Learn something new everyday I guess.

Sounds like a bug report needs to happen then.

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oh sure. That’s why a captured Iraqi T-72 that was damaged was able to fire a continuous 3000 rounds before any repair was needed. 😂
Keep in mind, this test was done by the USA.

I’m pretty sure you can’t get crew members back irl either, but hey you get your abrams loader back on the cap everytime don’t you?

I still don’t know what " 7.21 down as a 6.21. " means or why you keep typing it

You don’t get it because you’ve never been in the armed services. The “buddy” system sometimes people put down false numbers so people pass a test… which is clearly what I said, but you couldn’t comprehend

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He’s not picked up on the fact he’s wrong multiple times.

How many have been made since Y2K?

Where’s your linked source?


“I still don’t know what " 7.21 down as a 6.21. " means or why you keep typing it.”

Thanks to the buggy mess of the abrams as is, it looks to me like all of them have D.U. When they shouldn’t ;)

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No really " because its a game " you can’t even see through your own stupid logic. You somehow continue to cherry pick 1 instance of something happening with no proof, then when i literally linked you a video of a guy loading a abrams in 4.4 seconds you ignored it, but i bring up something about auto loaders "

WHEN IM TALKING ABOUT DAMAGED AUTOLOADERS. You randomly talk about T-72 without posting sources of a random t-72 or what was even damaged on it.

You want to see something elses? the Yak -141 IS IN THIS GAME WITH STUFF IT NEVER HAD… but the abrams can’t get its D.U Hull?

Only once per vehicle (per game though) while you could technically could repair your autoloader infinitely.

Not to be that guy, but it’s not like certain nations that use the T-series have such good credibility as well (looks at the super sketchy BVM Obr 2023 video that everyone uses to proof that it has a 2+ km/h reverse speed).

ive check the other discussion about the T series autoloader on this forums, the average time is 6.5 seconds from what i got from multiple people
7.1 seconds is the slowest time the autoloader load, gaijin take that numba for balance
the cyclogram program isnt wrong, 6 sec is possible but that also mean tank is jam packed to the brim with all round in the carousel load which can be but unlikely

crashing out again are we



hes always like this
the more make sense arguement is that if the hull got an ke protection upgrade not DU
make sense to artificially buff the sep/sep v2 hull but the other tank like AIM and HC should just have ke increase to like resist 3bm42 or resist against high pen atgm or sth

If posting actual proof and documents is " crashing out " then i have 0 hopes for you zoomers / alphas generation of brain rot mass psychotics walking flesh bags to continue research and development.

I actually got out of my way to find information on tanks and ammo, even after the corporations that made them are no longer in business. Gaijin can’t even get the ammo in this game correct, for either the standard military versions or the export variants.

Primex Technologies M829A2 APFSDS-T : United States of America (USA) ( 1

Primex Technologies M829A2 APFSDS-T

After finding out that the main anti-armor ammunition of American M1A1 Abrams tanks, M829A1 “Silver Bullet” could not overcome the Soviet dynamic protection Kontakt-5, a program was quickly launched to develop a new sub-caliber ammunition to eliminate this problem. Thanks to the disintegration of the USSR in the early 1990s, the West had the opportunity to acquire several pieces of former Soviet equipment, including tanks equipped with Kontakt-5.

The analysis came up with several solutions very quickly. In the case of new ammunition, it was a combination of two basic methods, the first was to add to the tip of the projectile the so-called “Spike” covered under a ballistic cap. This spike has a cylindrical shape about 50mm long and 13mm in diameter, and its purpose is to simulate a small-caliber projectile and gradually widen a penetration hole without detonating explosive elements in reactive armor. The second was to coat the penetrator core in a high-strength steel alloy. Projectiles coated in this way have a low probability of shattering when hit by an ERA board, although they can change their direction and reduce their penetrating force, but they will not break.

M829A2 was manufactured by the American company Primex Technologies (now General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems (GD-OTS)). It was introduced into service in 1992, small-scale production began in 1993, by the year 2000, more than 150,000 pieces were produced, the price of one piece is $ 4,000 (data from 2000).

The M829A2 achieves much more performance than its predecessor, the M829A1, thanks to several improvements. Thanks to the new production process of the piercing core made of super DU, embedded in the steel casing, the structural quality of the entire projectile has significantly improved. The penetrator is 698mm (670) long, with a diameter of 22mm, and the DU core weighs almost 5kg. The JA-2 powder charge is ignited with an M129 electric match, a special production process made it possible to divide the rod powder charge into small parts, which allows it to maintain the ballistic properties of the granulate. The M829A2 was the first in the world to use a composite detachable guide sheath (SABOT) for an APFSDS projectile of this size. The three-part guide sheath is made of a graphite composite reinforced with carbon-epoxy fibers, which reduces the parasitic weight of the projectile by 30% and thus allows the use of a longer penetrator. The synthetic rubber seal at the end of the guide assembly prevents hot gases from escaping from the burning dust charge. The combination of these features managed to increase the muzzle velocity of the M829A2 by 100 m/s compared to the M829A1, to 1,680 m/s (5,500 ft/s), while reducing the gas pressure in the charge chamber.

Assumed penetration M829A2 in mm RHAe:
At the mouth [1670m/s] = 790mm ± 120mm at 0 ° & 410mm ± 60mm at 60 °
1000m [1610m/s] = 750mm ± 110mm at 0 ° & 390mm ± 60mm at 60 °
2000m [1551m/s] = 700mm ± 100mm at 0 ° & 360mm ± 50mm at 60 °
3000m [1491m/s] = 650mm ± 100mm at 0 ° & 330mm ± 50mm at 60 °
4000m [1432m/s] = 590mm ± 90mm at 0 ° & 307mm ± 40mm at 60 °

Although the M829A2 was surpassed by the new M829A3 in 2003, it was still stored in large quantities. In mid-2014, General Dynamics received $ 12,000,000 from the US military to demilitarize and dispose of 78,000 depleted uranium tank ammunition, including M829A1 and M829A2.

TTÚ M829A2:
• Grenade length: 984 mm
• Grenade weight: 20.4 kg
• Projectile weight: 8.35kg
• Projectile length: 794mm
• Penetrator length: 698mm
• Inner core length: 670mm
• Penetrator weight: 4.92kg
• Effective range: 4000m
• Dust weight: 8.6 kg
• Generated pressure: 5600 bar at + 21 ° C
• Penetration: ± 750mm RHAe (2000m)
• Muzzle velocity: 1680m/s

The 120mm KEW-A2 from General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems is a commercial version of the Army M829A2 intended for export. It is designed for 120mm cannons with a smooth bore barrel, the only difference compared to the military version is the use of tungsten penetrator instead of DU. KEW-A2 was certified for export by the US government in September 2003. GD-OTS also offers a complete logistics package for ammunition.

Grenade length: 984 mm (38.7 ")
Dust charge: JA-2
Dust weight 8.6 kg (19 lbs.)
Generated pressure: 5600 bar (81.200 psi at + 21 ° C)
Projectile weight: 7.6 kg (16.7lbs.)
Muzzle velocity: 1700 m/s at + 21 ° C
Penetration: 670-700mm RHAe (2000m)

Again this has been responded to, even uses a source from last year.

and gaijin flat out proved they can’t read, and will make up lies when everyone else has figured out the M1A1HA had D.U in the hull.

Using all caps is indicative of a tone of frustration implying that you are getting annoyed at what has been said on a forum thread. Hence the use of the slang “crash out” due to your reaction.


Lol you think this is caps? are you slow? Lol…


This copy paste from here doesn’t seem to use reliable sources for its claims.


So you don’t know when people are typing something to" EMPHASIZE A POINT Did you fail English class?