Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

The guy also wants the Ariete, Leclerc and Merkava Mk.4 to lose their 5 second reload going by the part you quoted.

Which is ridiculous. It’s not like the Ariete and Mk.4 are such good and strong MBTs currently even with the 5 second reload.

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Yea it requires significant amount of situational awareness and reflexes but in theory it can get the job done.

But most of the time it will loose against those tanks in CQC like you mentioned.

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Idk he kinda special if you will with his take but he got a point , im not agreeing on him with the balance he proposed on the minor nation tank tho, his take on those kinda , well , bad.

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If your lowest wasn’t swearing to other people and bein toxic i can only imagine how it will be, needless to say you’re sitting at the bottom of ocean already.

You brought up HSTVL into discussion while trying to talking to me and quoted me, safe to say im not the one who has mental issues.


So true besties , being mean and toxic is wrong. I will reflect on that , my bad , I am very sorry for my rudeness

No I brought it up to the Scorpion guy , believe me crazy right and Alvis added on to it cause it actually relevant to the discussion as it being the highest br light in the game that caused many discussion between it and the 2S38. The thread is about top tier so it should be brought in , crazy right ? And you replied to Alvis to pointed out that irrelevant to you even tho I didn’t reply to you originally. Crazy right ?

Buddy, you brought up HSTVL into discussion when you were replying one of my answers.

As you can see, im not the one who has issues, i just quoted of one your replies to me which includes HSTVL.

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Ariete loses its 5s reload, drops in BR, and gets DM53 removed in favor of its indigenous shell.
Merkava loses its 5s reload, gets its armor fixed, weight corrected to 80t.
Leclerc, idk, it stays how it is rn.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, I would 1000% prefer the things you proposed over the reload buff, any day of the week.

However I think they should keep the reload buff until these fixes happen.

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Leclerc can get a better round and UFP fixed so it doesn’t get penned by everyone

Other than that, it’s not so bad

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UFP fix, more turret armor, changing internal fuel tanks to external ones, adding SHARD or DM53 shell and last but not least modelling titanium armor on XXI will make Leclerc Series much better than before.

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(To give a little bit of context, the messages that went over the limit have already been dealt with)


Let’s be honest here.
LWS in top tier is a niche mechanic as you won’t be able to react in time when getting lazed and shot at by tanks.
Does it warn you about incoming IR/TV ordnance ?

Even if you’re getting targeted by something that can trigger LWS, they can just aim into the void and switch back to you last second, which still doesn’t really leave you with enough time to react.

I’d say getting 12.7mm MG over 7.62mm one is a bigger advantage than LWS.


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Its actually quite nice when you’re targeted by Helicopters, Drones or Laser guided munitions, not to mention you’d be surprised how many people doesnt use the tactic you mentioned.

Therefore i believe its an important feature.

LWS for longer tank on tank engagements is quite useful. Playing Italy or China (the two nations with lots of LWS vehicles that i grinded) and then switching to nations that don’t yet have a lot of LWS equipment does feel different.


I feel the same whenever im using my Type-90/10’s.

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Do I need to link that one conversation, on this forum, where you died on that hill?

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It can be useful, but higher you go the more niche it becomes, as we all know laser guided stuff is being replaced by pure FnF solutions that don’t trigger the warning.
As you’ve said, it can save you from people that are unaware your vehicle has LWS and don’t use the tactic mentioned above to work around it, but for the most other use cases I feel like WT’s top tier has outgrown it.

From my experience, I quite liked the system at 9 - 10 BR ranges, but higher up it just loses most of it’s benfits.

I agree! Even being able to press “S” for 1 second right after getting the laser warning can save you; and make you aware of a threat you were not aware of.