Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

It is the only explanation that is consistent, given my China and GB examples of bad nations with strong top tier WRs and low premium spam values.

yeah… ‘The only’.

Well, China and GB would throw a wrench the theory that US has a low WR proportional to the quality of it’s lineup.

Whenever they become 2/3rds of their teams, they’ll surely do. In the meantime, when they’re max 5-6 players out of a team of 16 (therefore, completely dependent on their teamcomp), it’s just a coincidental rationalization.

I’m pretty sure it is because of the premium/squadron players…

I have yet to see 3/4 of russian team be premiums. Where as for the US I’ve seen quite a few.

The clickbait is simply more popular and not only that has went on sale more than the UE1.

If both teams had the same level of skill, I guarantee you both would put up a good fight. Only a quarter of games were like this and it was the most fun I’ve had. The rest was just a curb stomp.

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Well, if that’s not enough how about an example from a nation that has a dominant composition, that big red strip in Russia, a big 3 nation, as well as the 5.7-6.7 bracket and some of the above ones for Germany.

I think it’s widely agreed that 10.x Russia and 5.7-6.7 Germany are extremely meta BRs, and they are both laden with premium spammers, we see the same trend present here, is that more convincing?

Easy its the lineups, Russia and other nations has decent enough lineups to keep the game alive while US doesn’t have a decent lineup, Russia has one of the best lineups with SPAA because they can get teams with decent CAS with the Pantsir/2S6 and the Top tier jets that have the broken Kh-38 that can wipe out a whole team, so most of the win I have seen with US winning is when Russia was on that side. also Russia can bring out 6 prem/squad tank to do while the US only has what 3 decent tanks if we want to talk prems and Squad stuff only. While the 2S38 is still kinda broken at 10.3 while any US tanks at 10.3 is kinda bad. also the 2S38 can take down stuff with ease while the new RDF/LT kinda suffers at taking stuff down.

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They just need to fix the current problems of US vehicles then i reckon it would be slightly better



i have 6 slots
consist of 1 spaa, 3 abrams 1 light tank, and one CAS

I wouldn’t say it’s a lineup problem, sure the US top tier lineup isn’t Sweden level of bonkers, but it’s still a deep and really solid lineup.

Excluding the premium spam/team mate debate for a little bit here. The problem that the US has compared to at least Germany, Italy and Sweden, is that they don’t really have a “carry MBT”. Admittedly I just made that term up, but what I mean with it is an MBT that is so ridiculously good and oppressive, it requires little skill to play, can just do so much carrying and can get away with a lot.

Germany has this in the form of the 2A7V, Italy has it in the form of the 2A7HU and Sweden has 3 of them in the form of all 3 122s.

I don’t believe that 10.X Russia is THAT strong. It is strong in variety, no other nation has such diversity on helis, SPAAs, MBTs, lights, etc. yet everything is mid at worst, hence the winrates, add most of players doesn’t buy more than two vehicles and don’t have any plane to do at least CAP, similar to the Click-Bait.

But there comes the trap: Nothing is genuinely terrible, so it boils down to an attrition war. You can die as many times as you can, if you get at least one kill, you can opt to other spawn, at least repeating that min-max to 9 times given how many stuff the USSR has at that range, while most of enemies has at most, 1-3 competitive vehicles by sheer tech tree depth.

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But then vehicle quality and player skill have to make up for that. Sure more tanks more vehicle always good but cling on to that as a point of “USSR good cause it have more stuff” really doesn’t fly when we talking about a game.

Excluding event
vehicles since not everyone has them, I’d say one could argue it’s the best lineup at that BR, but at the very least it’s alright, but given the 2s38, TURMS, and T-80UD spam, you wouldn’t be able to guess it from the WR alone since those players tank it.

Lmao that’s your reply?

Yes the KA-50 is my favorite vehicle irl. Very near helicopter… so of course it’s my favorite in WT.

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I’m a Russian main, you do realize I know how to play Russian vehicles very well right?

Now, take that fact and add in the data of my vehicles, imagine if I have equal time in the leo2a7HU pre nerf. I’d probably have a 4.0 or 5.0 kd.

My abrams kd quite particularly proves you wrong in the abrams underperforming, as my clickbait is positive, but the AIM isn’t. Why is that? Stock grinding. Generally any stock grinded tank has a poor kd.
Neither do I sit back and play hull down in the abrams or the Leo. Why? Because my team never seems to do much, so I have to cap, attack, flank, etc.

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Su-34 costs 1034 sp to spawn my guy.
The Vihkir equipped aircraft cost 792? Somewhere about there.

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Not necessarily. Multiple mediocre —neither good or bad— vehicles will perfectly carry you the same way a couple of 2A4s, even without having to play correctly.

Compare how many event/premium vehicles Russia has compared to not only the US, any nation at that br range and you’ll discover light, it has the highest amount of prem/event vehicles. You can do a complete 10.X lineup of 5-6 prem/squadron vehicles with only the power of your wallet. The US can push for max. 4 prem/squadron vehicles, and the rest of nations usually can pull up to 2/3 (plane + MBT/light vehicle + squadron).

It isn’t about being a game, it’s straightup math, yet someone here is arguing over the skill of some individuals that doesn’t really have to do a whole lot to get results, and yet they don’t.

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Oh boy, you should do it for Italy, Israel, and France too lol.

lol this thread went to the dogs, literally.

AI had the right mindset.

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