Stop blaming USA top tier win rates on player skill

Brother I JUST SAID ITS BEATEN BY THE LEO 2’s (Strv 122 is a Leo 2 F off).
T-90M is a joke of a tank.


the only thing the M1A2 had was D.U turret armor and the M829 other than that, the armor is the same as it is now. which is why i’ve constantly said that this game is about ARMOR and protection. unlike some other players who have whined for YEARS that this game is about " muh mobility " " Turret roation " " Reverse speed " or some other ignorant crap. These people can sit and gas themselves off of gaijins fumes all they want. Theres a reason gaijin closed / deleted the bug report from the old forums proving the abrams had a D.U Hull, just like gaijin makes up " beliefs " stating that the M829A3 can’t penetrate ERA. The moment M829A3 is added, all these people in their over buffed fantasy stalinium tanks are gong to get 0HK TFO, and are going to come t forums whining about the M1A2 SEP V3.

Fair enough.

It just gets away with it, like the 2A7s, because it’s so strong it really doesn’t need to be flexible. All it has to do is force direct fights and it smacks everything.

It’s why the Abrams, CR2, Leclerc, Ariete and Merkava are so easy to fight against, they all require specific playstyles/circumstances, take those away and they’re an easy kill.

Listing important aspects of a tank as not important is wild and goes further to show that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Yeah, but the 5-second reload with a good shell helps to knock out swarms of enemies quickly.

Yeah… It’d help if Gaijin buffed their armor.


I wonder when Sart will stop sucking ass and get good instead of blaming the vehicle. Oh wait , never cause the game didn’t hand holding him when he play the game and now it is gaijin fault


Just cause he’s not credible doesn’t mean that tanks in this game don’t have serious flaws. Especially minor nation MBT.

There are many tanks in this game that get no unique benefit for being easy to kill such as the Merkava, Ariete, Challenger, and Leclerc.

No lmao , mtfker US main when they try to make themself look like they know everything. If it all about armor and protection then Japan/France would have been long pushed into the pit of irrelevant. Guy main one nation and act like he know stuff

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Pretty Close



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Top tier is about having a combination of armor, mobility and firepower. A strong tank ideally is strong/really strong in 2 of those categories and good/good enough in the third.

122: Strong mobility, really incredible armor/survivability, good enough firepower
2A7: Strong mobility, really incredible armor/survivability, good firepower

T-90M: Horrible mobility, strong armor, mediocre firepower
M1A2 SEPv1: strong, above average armor/survivability, great firepower


the strvs and leos are not the same. they may look the same, but i assure you, the STRV is more of a threat than a leo 2a7 is. If you actually went up against the strv in a abrams you would know this, You dont know if you are firing at a STRV or a leo a7 , esp when gaijin continues to put Germany and sweden on the same team 90% of the time in this game. You make a mistake of firing at a STRV thinking its a LE0 2A7, and you will die.

Did I say that ? I did I say whatever you yapping ? No I did not , I only discredited whatever sart yapping about US vehicle being the worst and that it. I have not mentioned any nation beside US

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Sure the 122 is better armored, and it is a better tank, but at the end of the day it is a Leo 2A5 underneath its shell. Shoot the left side of the LFP on all Leo 2’s and they’re dead.

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This does come off as if there aren’t obvious flaws even in the Abrams as presented in-game.

Regardless, you’re still right about the guy.

the seps have the same armor as the m1a2. the armor on the abrams has not changed in 5 years, meanwhile everyone else has gotten up-armored tanks, ERA packages, and APS / fire and forget missiles.

The U.S does not have a single ground based fire and forget missile. the U.S helicopters have been firing the same weapons for years., the only thing we get with new tech are for planes, and thats made damn near useless with a 720+ spawn cost, or how 90% of the maps seem t have a overcast with a 500ft clearing until clouds block everything, oh and the pantsir. which makes flying anything in any of these conditions even harder.


I did not claim that Abram the best , it have it flaws I can’t deny that. But with US main trying to blame the vehicle as if they are worst thing known to mankind and they are the reason why they have low WR is baffle to me

Just tell us you’re bad at the game dude. 720 SP is like 2 kills ;-;

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It can even be lower if you just use the HSTVL , hang back and scout

That’s fair, but he had reason to complain to some degree. He’s just taking it to a nonsensical extreme.

Oh I absolutely ADORE the HSTV-L. It is bar none my favorite light tank in the game.

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