Statistics: Pick-rate of SPAA, GROUND, AVIATION

Games 11.7 - 12.3

USSR USA Germany China France Great Britain Italy Sweden Japan Israel
all spawns 340918 245014 309611 56597 33388 47909 12893 79778 29665 9314
air_spawns 76651 0.225 49056 0.2 26370 0.085 23506 0.415 6190 0.185 7765 0.162 1453 0.113 8779 0.11 3445 0.116 1343 0.144
spaa_spawns 28853 0.085 20562 0.084 26978 0.087 4951 0.087 2087 0.063 2605 0.054 1754 0.136 6298 0.079 3872 0.131 325 0.035
ground_spawns 235414 0.691 175396 0.716 256263 0.828 28140 0.497 25111 0.752 37539 0.784 9686 0.751 64701 0.811 22348 0.753 7646 0.821
air_per_tank 0.33 0.28 0.1 0.84 0.25 0.21 0.15 0.14 0.15 0.18
spaa_per_tank 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.18 0.08 0.07 0.18 0.1 0.17 0.04

Games 12.3

USSR USA Germany China France Great Britain Italy Sweden Japan Israel
all spawns 207872 111505 250917 50728 32312 27287 4281 70577 21721 4894
air_spawns 47386 0.228 22701 0.204 21755 0.087 21147 0.417 5990 0.185 5150 0.189 944 0.221 7757 0.11 2660 0.122 796 0.163
spaa_spawns 22557 0.109 13146 0.118 25630 0.102 4734 0.093 2065 0.064 2158 0.079 482 0.113 6167 0.087 2703 0.124 229 0.047
ground_spawns 137929 0.664 75658 0.679 203532 0.811 24847 0.49 24257 0.751 19979 0.732 2855 0.667 56653 0.803 16358 0.753 3869 0.791
air_per_tank 0.34 0.3 0.11 0.85 0.25 0.26 0.33 0.14 0.16 0.21
spaa_per_tank 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.06

Players with 11.7+ in line-up

USSR USA Germany China France Great Britain Italy Sweden Japan Israel
all spawns 207872 111505 250917 50728 32312 27287 4281 70577 21721 4894
air_spawns 47386 0.228 22701 0.204 21755 0.087 21147 0.417 5990 0.185 5150 0.189 944 0.221 7757 0.11 2660 0.122 796 0.163
spaa_spawns 22557 0.109 13146 0.118 25630 0.102 4734 0.093 2065 0.064 2158 0.079 482 0.113 6167 0.087 2703 0.124 229 0.047
ground_spawns 137929 0.664 75658 0.679 203532 0.811 24847 0.49 24257 0.751 19979 0.732 2855 0.667 56653 0.803 16358 0.753 3869 0.791
air_per_tank 0.34 0.3 0.11 0.85 0.25 0.26 0.33 0.14 0.16 0.21
spaa_per_tank 0.16 0.17 0.13 0.19 0.09 0.11 0.17 0.11 0.17 0.06

Players with 12.3 in line-up

USSR USA Germany China France Great Britain Italy Sweden Japan Israel
all spawns 17485 28106 6674 1931 1510 3486 losers 11144 1340 1125
air_spawns 7745 0.443 11408 0.406 2598 0.389 1133 0.587 620 0.411 1602 0.46 losers 4245 0.381 507 0.378 425 0.378
spaa_spawns 1493 0.085 2252 0.08 612 0.092 126 0.065 101 0.067 175 0.05 losers 807 0.072 138 0.103 47 0.042
ground_spawns 8247 0.472 14446 0.514 3464 0.519 672 0.348 789 0.523 1709 0.49 losers 6092 0.547 695 0.519 653 0.58
air_per_tank 0.94 0.79 0.75 1.69 0.79 0.94 losers 0.7 0.73 0.65
spaa_per_tank 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.13 0.1 losers 0.13 0.2 0.07

Author of this sample (link in description). All games GRB and were in early January.

China have a huge number of z-10 spawns. I’m sure they take the first pick and sit afk as spaa until the end of the match. And on 12.3 Chinese seem to love to play air patrol on su-27. Out of 1900 spawns 600 on it.

There is a chance that the a problem with back-ups, because I didn’t take them into account. It is often impossible to take them into account because of the structure of the database itself, so I ignored them. I honestly don’t think they have much of an impact.

If there are any interesting ideas, suggest them. Maybe I’ll like them, too.


Out of pure curiosity, are you considering the ADATS a tank or SPAAG? Because it could fall into both categories, and so I just am wondering which you put it in

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Spaa ofc. But I was also taking pre-top spaa like roland or stormer. Because they get taken quite often, too. Example for players with 11.7+ in line-up USA.
us_adats_bradley 7757
us_mim_72_chaparral 106
us_m247 197
us_xm_975_roland 748
us_lav_ad 4338


Ok, glad to hear. Interesting results, cool study! It’s impressive.

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Bad news and good news for USA.

Good news: USA now can’t be blamed for low spawn numbers.
Bad news: This means the problem is their skill, not because teammates are not spawn)

(I don’t consider back-ups)

Games 11.7 - 12.3

USSR spawn per player 2.4115129694208854
USA spawn per player 2.3044308381065246
Germany spawn per player 2.2530272158346674
China spawn per player 2.4156814204618207
France spawn per player 2.251078748651564
Great Britain spawn per player 2.0590080797662025
Italy spawn per player 2.5117864796415352
Sweden spawn per player 2.2911545089029293
Japan spawn per player 2.357733269750437
Israel spawn per player 2.226631604111881

Games 12.3

USSR spawn per player 2.472417646085085
USA spawn per player 2.3637216802812806
Germany spawn per player 2.3172116702565106
China spawn per player 2.46634500833929
France spawn per player 2.2998901501281583
Great Britain spawn per player 2.118922155688623
Italy spawn per player 2.590948400115307
Sweden spawn per player 2.3681015671493753
Japan spawn per player 2.461809635722679
Israel spawn per player 2.2959401709401708

Players 11.7 - 12.3

USSR spawn per player 2.5888536023413664
USA spawn per player 2.625005885399501
Germany spawn per player 2.357356257046223
China spawn per player 2.4615683229813663
France spawn per player 2.2787023977433005
Great Britain spawn per player 2.268057518078298
Italy spawn per player 2.888663967611336
Sweden spawn per player 2.3479490335673177
Japan spawn per player 2.4518568687210744
Israel spawn per player 2.40019617459539

Players 12.3

USSR spawn per player 3.0675438596491227
USA spawn per player 2.89961828123388
Germany spawn per player 3.1085235211923616
China spawn per player 3.1812191103789127
France spawn per player 2.9320388349514563
Great Britain spawn per player 2.6753645433614737
Sweden spawn per player 2.8385124808965867
Japan spawn per player 2.8879310344827585
Israel spawn per player 2.798507462686567

Now, the most toxic and heartless nation is Britain. No surprise there ahahahaha.

I honestly abuse the fact that SPAA are spawned so rarely and often by less experienced players, just sitting on the edge of their missile range taunting them.

Anyway SPAA are way too overlooked by a good chunk of the community, if they were used more often and in a preemptive way instead of as a response then I think a decent bit of peoples complaints about CAS would honestly go away