Gaijin and modern NATO armor

this thread is gold, keep it going lmao

first its about nato armor now its about abrams getting turret cheek? penetrated which can happen because of angle bla bla
And suddenly about ah1z
great :D

Leclerc id good itself but it’s also carried by ger and swe

Go play France and come back to me when you’ll lost your sanity

Of course it cannot work, the SM3 doesn’t have any radar.
The AH-1Z can be equiped with a radar on the left-right pylon, however it is an additional equipment that is not in the game.

Nah i’d win


Most part of this kill happened before December update, and after December update i fought together with USA most of the time, real issue here are the players, not the nation they get paired or anything. as @FurinaBestArchon pointed out biggest issue is the amout of premium M1A1 Click-Bait and M1A1 AIM, paired with the fact that the people that grinded the Tech Three and have a lineup usualy speedrun to spawn in an F-16C and get killed by a Pantsir 5 seconds after they spawn.

us player mentality
starts at 4.7 ??? spawns hellcat gets in cap pressing W
gets killed spawn planes

same players buy clickbait and try to do the same

And it was pointed out more then once that the team that get’s USA will usually lose because of the amount of clickbait and aims 1dl

No. In January when situation was worse (because 11.3 1dl could play with 12.3) US had better “spawn per player” than Germany. So 1dl is a myth. They exist but it’s not so bad.

As already stated you can penetrate the UFP by the round deflecting off of it into the turret which is not displayed in the penetration calculator as it is not a direct penetration.

Should already since it de-railed back almost a year ago.

it not 100% every time which is still better then most

Flat out can be 100% of the time because it goes under the armor arrays. It is comically easy to pull off.

Or you can just shoot the turret ring which curiously does not show up in the protection viewer images you posted but does on my end.

I’d really like to get this thread back on about how Gaijin doesn’t treat armor fairly in the game. I mean the overall objective is game balance. But, this thread is more about how they don’t know what they are talking about and are abusing the good infosec that NATO uses to make their tanks artificially bad.


I don’t know about infosec but irl abrams got oneshot by t72 atgm just recently. The armour doesn’t seem very good to me

Did that claim come straight from the Russian MoD, cuz that sounds like something the Russian MoD would say…

There was that video, abrams got atgm, then HE at the crew and atgm again

I’ve seen a video of 2 ATGM shots at a side on abrams, but afaik those werent from a tank

I ve seen ut as well but it was atgm, then tank HE from long range(visible arc) then atgm again

And then again. The wonderful blowout panels and ammo in the turret.
I’ve not once seen the crew to not bail as soon as the ammo rack is hit. Every hit to the rear of the turret means crew bail, tank abandoned and lost to drone arti atgm. It doesn’t even matter how expensive and advanced the tank is. Its just rear turret hit = tank removed. Unlike in the game

just as much as russian tanks and hit under the turret … In rl the crew will be ejected With the turret but here ?
they keep going on because not to name country needs to use a game for propaganda purpose
Nobody would freely enter those not to name deathraps they produce

how is that a oneshot if you say in the next post 2 atgm and 1 he ? ???


Only in prearranged American arms sales videos. Instead we are getting reports of t tanks withstanding 3-4 fpv drones. Properly covered eith era, nets and with ammo rack deep inside tye vehicle something that nato tanks will never acheive due to flawed ammo rack placement.

It got nailed with 1shot. He aimed at crew(3 out of 4 btw)

ah yes xD 2 mins of google and you see enough reports mentioning the weakpoints of russian tanks aka turret ejection and non existant crew survivability

  • the amount of pictures and videos you find with 30 secs of using google …

to much love for those deathraps hmm ?

oh seems like a new record was made 100m high
clearly speaks for the protection level of russian tanks.

But its okay you proved in your post that i quoted that what you say is just pure putin love
I guess you believe to much in war thunder and its fantasy dmg model for russian tanks.

But ye soak up more of that ru propaganda
I wonder why most nations use nato tanks if they are so “flawed” xD


A focus on crew survivability is flawed? One purpose of NATO tank philosophy is crew survivability, even Merkavas have their unique approach for survivability. It isn’t to make the tank unkillable, just more likely for the crew to survive, and in some case crew comfort. Russian tanks have also been shown to be vulnerable to these drones, showcasing how dangerous these are in a modern battlefield.

Let’s look at it logically, NATO and Russia have different approaches to tank survivability. Both sides have equal valid claims of tanks surviving highly adverse scenarios. Turns out, in modern conflict, whoever sees first is often the winner as was the case in the Gulf War. It is no different in Ukraine.

Are NATO tanks under performing in terms of armor in game? Somewhat, but probably not as significant since what tends to matter most is who shoots first. Suprising to me was the many claims of Russian overperformance in game yet I did not see any teams in the Tournament use Russia, often Germany, Sweden, and USA were used instead.