Static targets for high caliber artillery?


Thinking about a little change in gamemode.

What about implementing some ground targets in ground realistic battles?
Next to the map, behind borders of tank map, there could be a couple targets, like some ammo depo, fuel depo, trenches, etc, that would act similar to bases in ARB.
Those targets could be 3-4-5km, so a long range.
Destroying such target could result in lowering the ticket number.
The targets could rotate, being put randomly on maps. They could be marked by planes/helicopters so artillery could target them.

Now, to hit those targets, we would use high caliber guns, howitzers, artillery etc, all those 122mm, 152mm, 155mm etc.

It would give all those ISU152s, M109s etc a specific task they could perform, instead of just going around with trollguns. It would motivate more people to switch from only meta tanks to try other vehicles with specific tasks, giving them a way gain victory in battle. Also, it would motivate other people to actively search and destroy enemy artillery.

So, long story short:

Self propelled artillery is advancing, taking a position, aim at targets marked by planes, and proceed to shell enemy positions, making them lose tickets. Now, enemy players must find them and stop them, while our team should defend them.

What do you think? Wouldn’t it be cool than typical “capture A B C point”?


Nice idea. But to make it easier and a bit more logical, just add the artillery battery on each side whose artillery strike you can request. Or not anymore.

Damn, topic got ignored by players :/

Just saying, this used to actually be a thing so along ago… But they removed it…

Players used to commonly complain they couldn’t call artillery and couldn’t understand why the hotbar was greyed out, after ignoring all the killfeed messages saying that someone was hitting thier artillery.

The whole point is to make players use actual vehicles with howitzers to shell long range targets to drain enemy tickets