Starstreak on the AH Mk.1 Apache should cost Spawn points or be nerfed

Literally the team:

This is a game i’ve just done after months away, it’s not a big difference of course, is just boring playing the Bhishma at 11.7 every time now.

Said the Z-10 player.

Ka52 was why I grinded ussr, I did this before it was even added.

You’re assuming way too much, maybe even projecting. I don’t first spawn, I didn’t even do it much when it even had thermobarics. I don’t even camp with it, I just play aggressive. I’ve probably found you in game or others first spawning with starstreaks. Has to be the most pathetic gameplay I’ve seen so far.

This means absolutely nothing lmao

Tard rage about losing your OP crutch some more.

No, that was a very fun way to play first-spawn helicopters without playing tanks first, which I personally found boring.
I’m an aggressive player too, and with tanks, I usually push cap points until I die. I hate camping, that’s why I liked first spawn Starstreaks. I was able to play helicopters with serious scores without playing tanks.
But still, we are talking about skill-based and balanced gameplay; it was only frustrating if you got spawnkilled in a light vehicle at the start of the match, but still, a niche of a niche:
How many players have the MK.1, and how many players use the light tank at 11.7? We are still talking about a minority, it wasn’t a big deal, and spawnkilling will always be a thing with these open spawns.

The Chinese helicopter tech tree is the most easy and banal of the entire game.
They have thermal vision at 8.7, x8 infallible IR missiles on almost every helicopter, Z-10 have Hellfire like ATGM but with the same range of Vikhr (10 km) and a better flight path than Hellfire, and the helicopter’s flight model makes no sense; it breaks the rules of physics with impossible acrobatics; it is impossible to make a mistake and crash while maneuvering.
So please, if you want to come here and talk about shame, get some real experience instead of playing helicopter pve with a Z-19, ok?

Turn off Arcade

But I thought I was Z-10 player?

Or is malding about 2S38s after dying to one by all but flying into the ground battle with a weapon that out ranges it effectively twice over the required skill floor?

Ahahahah, the only arcade I’ve played was with Heli PVP when literally everyone had the KA-50.
I’m talking about realistic and even sim, man.
Have you played a Sim battle?

Yes, you are; it’s just an upgraded Z-19 after all.
2S38 is the real shame of the game just because it can kill every helicopter in a range of 4 km without triggering laser allert and RWR, it’s 10.0 and it’s locked behind a paywall.
OTOMATIC can do the same but triggers RWR and it’s 11.3.
That’s why I lost the opportunity to call a nuke by only using the MK.1, btw.

You still want to talk about shame?

Heli player talking about something like that? Amusing.

back when tank rb had markers
USSR 100% w/r in top tier ground sim has been a turn off from trying it

no I think this speaks for itself.

Ehi, we are talking about facing 12.7 jets and Pantsir with Starstreaks, there is no BO-105 bullying in here.

Yeah, that’s an interesting achievement; it’s not for everyone.
You know what everyone does instead? Speding money to buy a 2S38, that’s the real shame.

Sorry but it doesn’t change anything when it comes to a heli player talking about:

“skill-based and balanced gameplay”.

It is just amusing at best.

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War Thunder be like…

Can confirm this, I just flanked you with the A.129 CBT’s 30mm in a sim game.


Knew you’d cry here, next time don’t die with your whole heli team to me. And bragging about a revenge kill lmfaoo



Kinda funny you remembered his name and acually managed to get a flank on him. And its a bit pathetic to say a kill on a heli is a "revenge kill, because of course it fucking is. * out of 10 times you die to a heli and instantly get into an spaa or jet to kill it, as you know for damn sure your team isnt going to do jack shit against it, and the only good heli is a dead heli.